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Жизнь Виа Viktoria Hlopotova
Video views
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Social Media Personality
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Жизнь Виа Youtube channel statistics

Жизнь Виа
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 6.2K - $ 37.2K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
18.04.2024 Thu +1,898,401 $ 711 - $ 4.27K
14.04.2024 Sun +2,020,616 $ 757 - $ 4.55K
10.04.2024 Wed +2,817,238 $ 1.06K - $ 6.34K
05.04.2024 Fri +1,802,100 $ 675 - $ 4.05K
01.04.2024 Mon +3,530,118 $ 1.32K - $ 7.94K
27.03.2024 Wed +2,667,867 $ 1K - $ 6K
24.03.2024 Sun +1,790,705 $ 671 - $ 4.03K
19.03.2024 Tue +1,729,591 $ 648 - $ 3.89K
16.03.2024 Sat +1,708,329 $ 640 - $ 3.84K
13.03.2024 Wed +2,027,222 $ 760 - $ 4.56K
09.03.2024 Sat +1,301,119 $ 487 - $ 2.93K
05.03.2024 Tue +1,878,027 $ 704 - $ 4.23K
02.03.2024 Sat +1,629,931 $ 611 - $ 3.67K
28.02.2024 Wed +1,799,026 $ 674 - $ 4.05K

Жизнь Виа biography

Жизнь Виа is a popular YouTube channel created and run by Viktoria Hlopotova, known by her online persona Виа. She is a Russian YouTuber and social media personality who gained fame through her entertaining videos and vlogs. Жизнь Виа channel mainly focuses on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, and travel content. With her lively and engaging personality, Виа has gathered a large following on her YouTube channel. Виа's channel offers a variety of content, including makeup tutorials, fashion hauls, travel vlogs, and challenges. She has a unique style of presenting her videos, which captivates her audience and keeps them coming back for more. Виа's videos are known for their high production value, creative editing, and entertaining narratives. Aside from YouTube, Виа is also active on other social media platforms such as Instagram, where she shares glimpses of her daily life and promotes various brands and products. She has collaborated with several well-known brands and has become an influential figure in the Russian social media scene.

Жизнь Виа controversies

Throughout her career, Виа has managed to maintain a relatively controversy-free image. She is known for her positive and fun-loving persona, which resonates well with her audience. However, like any popular internet personality, she has faced some minor controversies and criticism. One of the controversies surrounding Виа was when she promoted a product without disclosing that it was a sponsored post. This led to backlash from some of her followers who felt deceived. However, Виа addressed the issue promptly and apologized for the oversight, stating that she values transparency and would be more careful in the future. Overall, Виа has successfully navigated the challenges of being a prominent YouTuber and has maintained a positive image among her followers.

Жизнь Виа famous quotes

"Live life to the fullest."
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
"Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable."
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"Dream big and dare to fail."
"Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life."
"The best is yet to come."
"Every day is a new beginning."
"Happiness is a choice."