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5 Alguma Coisa 5 Alguma Coisa
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5 Alguma Coisa net worth

$ 604K - $ 3.62M *

5 Alguma Coisa income

$ 2.4K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 10.9K
last 30 days
$ 20.7K
last 90 days

As one of the most popular YouTube channels in Brazil, 5 Alguma Coisa has undoubtedly generated a significant amount of wealth. While exact figures for the channel's net worth are not publicly available, it is estimated that it earns a substantial income through advertisements, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. With millions of views per video and a devoted fanbase, 5 Alguma Coisa has created a lucrative brand that extends beyond its YouTube channel. The success of the channel has allowed its creator, Felipe Castanhari, to expand his media empire and pursue other ventures. Although the exact net worth of 5 Alguma Coisa remains a mystery, there is no doubt that the channel has achieved substantial financial success.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

5 Alguma Coisa estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 6.52K
March 2024$ 7.27K
February 2024$ 3.24K
January 2024$ 2.37K
December 2023$ 8K
November 2023$ 15.6K
October 2023$ 24.4K
July 2023$ 1.46K
June 2023$ 1.73K
May 2023$ 2.47K
April 2023$ 1.79K
March 2023$ 1.62K
February 2023$ 2.1K
January 2023$ 2.63K
December 2022$ 4.21K
November 2022$ 2.25K
October 2022$ 4.4K
September 2022$ 813
August 2022$ 2.19K
July 2022$ 4.14K
June 2022$ 2.19K
May 2022$ 2.6K

5 Alguma Coisa Frequently Asked Questions

When was 5 Alguma Coisa created?

5 Alguma Coisa was created in 2011.

What topics does 5 Alguma Coisa cover?

5 Alguma Coisa covers a wide range of topics, including history, science, and pop culture.

Who is the creator of 5 Alguma Coisa?

5 Alguma Coisa was created by Felipe Castanhari.

What is the animation style of 5 Alguma Coisa?

5 Alguma Coisa features animated videos that are humorous and entertaining.

Is 5 Alguma Coisa only available in Portuguese?

Yes, 5 Alguma Coisa primarily produces content in Portuguese.

Does 5 Alguma Coisa have merchandise?

Yes, 5 Alguma Coisa has merchandise available for purchase.

Does 5 Alguma Coisa have social media accounts?

Yes, 5 Alguma Coisa is active on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.