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5 Alguma Coisa 5 Alguma Coisa
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5 Alguma Coisa Youtube channel statistics

5 Alguma Coisa
Video views
Video count
Estimated earnings in past 30 days
$ 2.99K - $ 17.9K
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 90 days
last 7 days
Video views
last 30 days
last 90 days
Date Video views Estimated earnings
13.04.2024 Sat +1,894,220 $ 710 - $ 4.26K
09.04.2024 Tue +1,503,035 $ 563 - $ 3.38K
04.04.2024 Thu +1,623,070 $ 608 - $ 3.65K
31.03.2024 Sun +1,391,945 $ 521 - $ 3.13K
26.03.2024 Tue +632,212 $ 237 - $ 1.42K
23.03.2024 Sat +931,072 $ 349 - $ 2.09K
19.03.2024 Tue +840,122 $ 315 - $ 1.89K
15.03.2024 Fri +741,917 $ 278 - $ 1.67K
12.03.2024 Tue +907,029 $ 340 - $ 2.04K
08.03.2024 Fri +320,611 $ 120 - $ 721
05.03.2024 Tue +231,262 $ 86 - $ 520
01.03.2024 Fri +188,083 $ 70 - $ 423
27.02.2024 Tue +187,913 $ 70 - $ 422
24.02.2024 Sat +200,904 $ 75 - $ 452

5 Alguma Coisa biography

5 Alguma Coisa is a Brazilian YouTube channel created by Felipe Castanhari in 2011. The channel focuses on producing animated educational videos on various subjects, including history, science, and pop culture. Each video is presented in a humorous and entertaining way, making complex topics easy to understand for viewers of all ages. With over 10 million subscribers and millions of views per video, 5 Alguma Coisa has become one of the most popular educational channels in Brazil. The channel's unique animation style and engaging storytelling have captivated audiences and sparked an interest in learning among its viewers. Whether it's exploring the mysteries of the universe or uncovering little-known historical facts, 5 Alguma Coisa continues to educate and entertain its audience with its informative and entertaining content.

5 Alguma Coisa controversies

Despite its immense popularity, 5 Alguma Coisa has managed to stay relatively controversy-free. The channel's focus on educational content and its commitment to providing accurate information have garnered praise from both viewers and critics. However, like any other online platform, 5 Alguma Coisa has faced some criticism for its handling of certain topics. Some viewers have accused the channel of simplifying complex subjects too much, while others have questioned the accuracy of its information. Despite these occasional controversies, 5 Alguma Coisa remains one of the most respected and trusted educational channels on YouTube, consistently delivering high-quality content to its dedicated fanbase.

5 Alguma Coisa famous quotes

"A vida é feita de escolhas, algumas boas, outras nem tanto."
"Nunca duvide do poder da ignorância."
"Conhecimento é poder, mas também é perigoso."
"A história acontece por acaso, mas se repete por burrice."
"A ciência é o que conecta os loucos que fazem sentido."
"Todos somos nerds de alguma coisa."
"O passado não condena o futuro, mas o presente condena ambos."
"A criatividade é a mãe da ciência."
"A ignorância pode ser uma bênção, mas o conhecimento é libertador."
"A vida é um livro em branco esperando para ser escrito."