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문화체육관광부 문화체육관광부
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문화체육관광부 net worth

$ 12K - $ 72.1K *

문화체육관광부 income

$ 6
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 211
last 30 days
$ 562
last 90 days

문화체육관광부의 자산에 대한 정보는 현재까지 공개되지 않았습니다.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

문화체육관광부 estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 35
March 2024$ 221
February 2024$ 119
January 2024$ 388
December 2023$ 944
November 2023$ 2.82K
October 2023$ 400
July 2023$ 407
June 2023$ 57
May 2023$ 128
April 2023$ 154
March 2023$ 103
February 2023$ 1.42K
January 2023$ 72
December 2022$ 49
November 2022$ 1.27K
October 2022$ 182
September 2022$ 112
August 2022$ 40
July 2022$ 1.05K
June 2022$ 437
May 2022$ 70

문화체육관광부 Frequently Asked Questions

How many videos does 문화체육관광부 have?

문화체육관광부 uploaded 2,374 videos on youtube.

How much does 문화체육관광부 make per 1000 views?

문화체육관광부 makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How much 문화체육관광부 makes per month?

문화체육관광부 makes approximately $ 212 per month.

When 문화체육관광부 started youtube channel?

문화체육관광부 started youtube in 2010-07-09.

How many video views does 문화체육관광부 have?

문화체육관광부 has 32,040,863 video views on youtube.

How many subs does 문화체육관광부 have?

문화체육관광부 has 132,000 subscribers.

What is net worth of 문화체육관광부?

Net worth of 문화체육관광부 is approximately $ 38.8K.