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Amouranth Kaitlyn Siragusa
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Youtuber since
Twitch Streamer, Social Media Influencer
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Amouranth net worth

$ 56.1K - $ 337K *

Amouranth income

$ 289
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 2.26K
last 30 days
$ 6.21K
last 90 days

Amouranth's exact net worth is difficult to determine as it fluctuates due to various income streams and business ventures. As a highly successful Twitch streamer and social media influencer, she earns a significant income from brand collaborations, sponsored content, donations from fans, and ad revenue generated on her channels. Additionally, Amouranth has diversified her income by launching her own line of merchandise, including clothing, accessories, and personalized merchandise for her fans. This has further boosted her earnings and solidified her position as a successful entrepreneur in the gaming and streaming industry. While specific figures are not publicly disclosed, it is estimated that Amouranth's net worth is in the range of several million dollars. This wealth not only reflects her financial success but also the immense popularity and influence she has achieved through her online presence.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Amouranth estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 1.23K
March 2024$ 1.91K
February 2024$ 1.85K
January 2024$ 1.31K
December 2023$ 2.21K
November 2023$ 1.73K
October 2023$ 2.05K
July 2023$ 1.29K
June 2023$ 1.58K
May 2023$ 1.95K
April 2023$ 2.03K
March 2023$ 2.48K
February 2023$ 2.9K
January 2023$ 3.11K
December 2022$ 2.69K
November 2022$ 3.24K
October 2022$ 4.11K
September 2022$ 3.75K
August 2022$ 1.88K

Amouranth Frequently Asked Questions

Is Amouranth a professional gamer?

No, Amouranth is primarily a Twitch streamer and content creator. While she has a passion for gaming and frequently streams herself playing various video games, she is not considered a professional gamer in the traditional sense.

Does Amouranth do charity work?

Yes, Amouranth has been actively involved in charity initiatives throughout her career. She has fundraised for organizations such as St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and regularly donates a portion of her earnings to charitable causes.

How did Amouranth become famous?

Amouranth gained fame through her engaging content on Twitch, particularly her unique blend of gaming, ASMR, and creative streams. Her energetic personality and captivating presence resonated with viewers, leading to a significant increase in her following and popularity.

What is Amouranth's educational background?

Amouranth holds a Bachelor's degree in molecular biology, which she obtained from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Prior to pursuing streaming full-time, she worked in the biomedical research field.

Does Amouranth have any pets?

Yes, Amouranth is a proud owner of a dog named Rio. She often shares adorable photos and videos of Rio on her social media accounts.

Has Amouranth written any books?

As of now, Amouranth has not published any books. However, she frequently shares her thoughts and experiences with her audience through social media posts and livestreams.

Does Amouranth have a YouTube channel?

Yes, Amouranth has a YouTube channel where she uploads highlights from her Twitch streams, behind-the-scenes content, and vlogs about her life. Her YouTube channel has a significant following and is another platform for her to connect with her fans.

Does Amouranth have any siblings?

Yes, Amouranth has a sister named Andrea. She occasionally appears in Amouranth's streams and social media posts.

What are Amouranth's future plans?

Amouranth continues to grow her brand and expand her online presence. She aims to explore new content genres, collaborate with other creators, and further engage with her audience through innovative and exciting projects.

Is Amouranth active on other social media platforms?

Yes, Amouranth is active on various social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. She uses these platforms to share updates, connect with her fans, and showcase her creativity beyond her Twitch streams.