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AuronPlay Raúl Álvarez Genes
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Streamer, Comedian
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AuronPlay net worth

$ 1.54M - $ 9.26M *

AuronPlay income

$ 1.34K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ -53.3K
last 30 days
$ -36.4K
last 90 days

AuronPlay has achieved significant success in his career as a YouTuber, streamer, and comedian, which has contributed to his net worth. While exact figures are not publicly disclosed, it is estimated that AuronPlay has a considerable net worth. Through his YouTube channel, AuronPlay earns revenue from ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. His large subscriber base and high view counts on his videos have allowed him to generate a substantial income. Additionally, he has ventured into other business opportunities and collaborations, further increasing his earnings. Apart from his online endeavors, AuronPlay has also ventured into the world of streaming, where he engages with his audience in real-time and generates additional income through donations, subscriptions, and sponsorships. With his success in the digital entertainment industry, AuronPlay has been able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and pursue his passions. He continues to build his brand and expand his influence, solidifying his position as one of the top YouTubers in Spain.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

AuronPlay estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ -58.5K
March 2024$ 9.13K
February 2024$ 7.45K
January 2024$ 5.4K
December 2023$ 7.3K
November 2023$ 9.34K
October 2023$ 9.34K
July 2023$ 9.02K
June 2023$ 9.31K
May 2023$ 8.95K
April 2023$ 8.12K
March 2023$ 9.75K
February 2023$ 12.8K
January 2023$ 16.8K
December 2022$ 18.3K
November 2022$ 14.7K
October 2022$ 16K
September 2022$ 10.6K
August 2022$ 21.1K
July 2022$ 21.2K
June 2022$ 15.8K
May 2022$ 12.7K

AuronPlay Frequently Asked Questions

What is AuronPlay's real name?

AuronPlay's real name is Raúl Álvarez Genes.

When was AuronPlay born?

AuronPlay was born on November 5, 1988.

What is AuronPlay's occupation?

AuronPlay is a YouTuber, streamer, and comedian.

Does AuronPlay have a website?

Yes, AuronPlay has a website where fans can access his latest updates and browse his merchandise.

Is AuronPlay active on social media?

Yes, AuronPlay is active on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

What are some famous quotes from AuronPlay?

Some famous quotes from AuronPlay include: '¡Ahí llevas tu cucharada de logse!', 'Podríamos ser el mejor equipo del mundo, pero no sé si lo merecemos...', 'Mamirrachas', 'Del grano nace la ladilla, padre', 'Venga, nos daban', 'En el tatoo no, ¡coño!', 'Acho, no está mal', 'Aurinkis', 'No sabes lo que agradezco un muerto en tu salón', and '¡Vamos a por el oro, mamachicho!'

What controversies has AuronPlay been involved in?

AuronPlay has been involved in controversies related to offensive remarks made in his videos and promotion of products without proper disclosure.