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Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids Stevin John
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Youtuber since
Children's Entertainer
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Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids net worth

$ 6.4M - $ 38.4M *

Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids income

$ 58.7K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 101K
last 30 days
$ 1.12M
last 90 days

Blippi is estimated to have a net worth of around $30 million. Much of his wealth comes from his YouTube channel, which has millions of subscribers and generates significant ad revenue. Blippi also sells merchandise, including clothing, toys, and books. Additionally, Blippi has gone on tour and performed live shows for children around the world.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
January 2025$ 429K
December 2024$ 194K
November 2024$ 423K
October 2024$ 201K
September 2024$ 168K
August 2024$ 442K
July 2024$ 150K
June 2024$ 149K
May 2024$ -1.96M
April 2024$ 123K
March 2024$ 129K
February 2024$ 148K
January 2024$ 71.6K
December 2023$ 149K
November 2023$ 129K
October 2023$ 184K
July 2023$ 164K
June 2023$ 198K
May 2023$ 76.9K
April 2023$ 154K
March 2023$ 183K
February 2023$ 92K

Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Blippi?

Blippi is a children's entertainer who creates educational videos for kids. Blippi's real name is Stevin John.

What topics do Blippi's videos cover?

Blippi's videos cover a range of educational topics, including colors, numbers, letters, and more.

How can I watch Blippi's videos?

Blippi's videos are available on his YouTube channel, as well as on Amazon Prime and other streaming services.

Is Blippi appropriate for all ages?

Blippi's content is designed for young children, typically ages two to six. Some parents may find some of Blippi's jokes or humor to be inappropriate for their children.

Does Blippi have any merchandise?

Yes, Blippi sells a variety of merchandise, including clothing, toys, and books.

Has Blippi faced any controversies?

Yes, Blippi has faced some controversies over the years, including criticism for a video in which he used a porta-potty while wearing a fake butt.

Is Blippi married?

It is unclear whether or not Blippi is currently married or in a relationship.