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Bruninho do Fluxo Bruninho Do Fluxo
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Bruninho do Fluxo net worth

$ 5.26K - $ 31.6K *

Bruninho do Fluxo income

$ 0
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 4
last 30 days
$ 12
last 90 days

While the exact net worth of Bruninho do Fluxo is unknown, it is evident that his success as an influencer has brought him considerable financial prosperity. Through brand sponsorships, paid advertisements, and merchandise sales, Bruninho has established multiple revenue streams. Additionally, his growing popularity has allowed him to embark on various business ventures and collaborations. As a result, he has undoubtedly amassed a significant net worth. With his continued success and expanding influence, Bruninho's net worth is expected to grow even further in the coming years.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Bruninho do Fluxo estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 2
March 2024$ 4
February 2024$ 3
January 2024$ 2
December 2023$ 2
November 2023$ 3
October 2023$ 3
July 2023$ 2
June 2023$ 3
May 2023$ 2
April 2023$ 5
March 2023$ 5
February 2023$ 4
January 2023$ 5
December 2022$ 4
November 2022$ 5
October 2022$ 6
September 2022$ 7
August 2022$ 4
July 2022$ 7
June 2022$ 6
May 2022$ 6

Bruninho do Fluxo Frequently Asked Questions

How did Bruninho do Fluxo become famous?

Bruninho do Fluxo became famous through his entertaining and humorous videos on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. His unique dance moves and charismatic personality resonated with audiences, leading to a rapid increase in his popularity.

What is Bruninho do Fluxo's real name?

Bruninho do Fluxo's real name is not publicly disclosed.

Where was Bruninho do Fluxo born?

Bruninho do Fluxo was born in Brazil.

Does Bruninho do Fluxo have a website?

Yes, Bruninho do Fluxo has a website where fans can find more information about him and purchase merchandise.

What is Bruninho do Fluxo's occupation?

Bruninho do Fluxo is a social media influencer, content creator, and dancer.

How can I follow Bruninho do Fluxo on social media?

You can follow Bruninho do Fluxo on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. His social media handles are provided below.

What is Bruninho do Fluxo's TikTok username?

Bruninho do Fluxo's TikTok username is @bruninhodofluxo.

Does Bruninho do Fluxo have a spouse?

No, Bruninho do Fluxo's marital status is not publicly known.

What is the nationality of Bruninho do Fluxo?

Bruninho do Fluxo is Brazilian.

What are the controversies surrounding Bruninho do Fluxo?

One of the notable controversies involving Bruninho do Fluxo was a video clip showing him engaging in inappropriate behavior. However, he apologized for his actions and has since learned from the experience.