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Casey Holmes Casey Holmes
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Beauty Influencer
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Casey Holmes net worth

$ 80.2K - $ 481K *

Casey Holmes income

$ 8
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 67
last 30 days
$ 812
last 90 days

Casey Holmes has built a successful career as a beauty influencer, which has contributed to her impressive net worth. While the exact figure is not publicly disclosed, it is estimated that she has accumulated significant wealth through brand sponsorships, YouTube earnings, and collaborations with various companies. Her popularity and influence within the beauty industry have also opened up opportunities for business ventures, such as launching her own merchandise or partnering with beauty brands on product collaborations.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Casey Holmes estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 18
March 2024$ 204
February 2024$ 309
January 2024$ 256
December 2023$ 104
November 2023$ 88
October 2023$ 169
July 2023$ 81
June 2023$ 122
May 2023$ 200
April 2023$ 193
March 2023$ 474
February 2023$ 955
January 2023$ 605
December 2022$ 79
November 2022$ 300
October 2022$ 155
September 2022$ 58
August 2022$ 268
July 2022$ 296
June 2022$ 270
May 2022$ 375

Casey Holmes Frequently Asked Questions

How did Casey Holmes get started on YouTube?

Casey Holmes started her YouTube channel in 2011 as a way to share her passion for makeup and beauty.

What are some of Casey Holmes' favorite beauty brands?

Casey often mentions brands like Tarte, Urban Decay, Benefit Cosmetics, and Too Faced as some of her favorites.

Does Casey Holmes have her own beauty line?

As of now, Casey Holmes does not have her own beauty line, but she has collaborated with brands on limited-edition products.

What is Casey Holmes' skincare routine?

Casey regularly shares her skincare routine on her YouTube channel. It typically includes cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and SPF.

Is Casey Holmes married?

Yes, Casey Holmes is married.

Who is Casey Holmes married to?

Casey Holmes is married to Davis Marlar.

What does Casey Holmes' husband do?

Davis Marlar is a photographer and videographer.

When did Casey Holmes get married?

Casey Holmes and Davis Marlar got married in May 2017.

Where is Casey Holmes' husband from?

Davis Marlar is from the United States.

Does Casey Holmes have children?

As of now, Casey Holmes does not have children.

What are some of Casey Holmes' most popular videos?

Casey's most popular videos include makeup tutorials, product reviews, and everyday makeup routines.

Does Casey Holmes have a website?

Yes, Casey Holmes has a website where she shares additional content and sells her merchandise.

What are Casey Holmes' social media handles?

Casey Holmes can be found on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Is Casey Holmes active on TikTok?

Yes, Casey Holmes is active on TikTok and shares short beauty-related videos.

Where can I find Casey Holmes' merch?

You can find Casey Holmes' merchandise on her website.

Does Casey Holmes offer any beauty courses or workshops?

As of now, Casey Holmes does not offer any beauty courses or workshops.

What are some upcoming projects for Casey Holmes?

You can stay updated with Casey Holmes' upcoming projects by following her on social media or visiting her website.

How can I contact Casey Holmes?

For business inquiries, you can contact Casey Holmes through her website or through her business email.

Is Casey Holmes vegan or cruelty-free?

Casey Holmes has mentioned her preference for using cruelty-free beauty products, but she does not explicitly state that she is vegan.

What are some of Casey Holmes' must-have beauty products?

Casey often recommends products like the Tarte Shape Tape Concealer, Urban Decay Naked Palette, and Becca Cosmetics Highlighters.