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Chad Wild Clay unknown
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YouTuber, Social Media Personality
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Chad Wild Clay net worth

$ 2.62M - $ 15.7M *

Chad Wild Clay income

$ 3.23K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 23.9K
last 30 days
$ 108K
last 90 days

Chad Wild Clay's net worth, as of 2021, is $11 million. His net worth is a combination of various revenue streams, including merchandise sales, ad revenue, and sponsorships from brands. He has also been featured in several TV productions such as television series like ‘Zombie Basement' and 'The News Without Fear'. Like many YouTubers, Chad has also collaborated with other Youtube stars, including Karina Garcia, Rebecca Zamolo, and Stephen Sharer.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Chad Wild Clay estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 10.6K
March 2024$ 25.6K
February 2024$ 54.8K
January 2024$ 14.8K
December 2023$ 24.8K
November 2023$ 22.2K
October 2023$ -6.76K
July 2023$ 31.7K
June 2023$ 34.1K
May 2023$ 25.2K
April 2023$ 39.1K
March 2023$ 56.7K
February 2023$ 38.6K
January 2023$ 38.5K
December 2022$ 189K
November 2022$ 80.2K
October 2022$ 13.4K
September 2022$ 28.8K
August 2022$ 63.5K
July 2022$ 71.5K
June 2022$ 71.3K
May 2022$ 45.9K

Chad Wild Clay Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Chad Wild Clay?

Chad Wild Clay is a famous YouTuber known for his spy-themed videos and series.

When was Chad Wild Clay's YouTube channel created?

Chad Wild Clay created his YouTube channel on March 4th, in the year 2009.

What is the controversy surrounding Chad Wild Clay?

One of the most controversial moments in Chad Wild Clay's YouTube career was during the 'Project Zorgo' incident, where critics accused him of crossing the line with his hoax.

What type of content does Chad Wild Clay create?

Chad Wild Clay creates spy-themed videos, challenges, and investigations using advanced gadgets like night vision goggles, spy cameras, and other tools to film his intense videos.

What is Chad Wild Clay's catchphrase?

Chad Wild Clay's catchphrase is 'Stay excellent, spy Ninjas!'