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Dimtsi Weyane Television Dimtsi Weyane Television
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Dimtsi Weyane Television net worth

$ 55.2K - $ 331K *

Dimtsi Weyane Television income

$ 147
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 1.13K
last 30 days
$ 4.48K
last 90 days

There is no publicly available information on the net worth of Dimtsi Weyane Television. The channel is funded by the Tigray People's Liberation Front and is primarily a propaganda tool for the organization, rather than a commercial enterprise. As such, it is not typically valued in terms of revenue or profits. The main goal of the channel is to promote the interests of the Tigrayan ethnic group and the TPLF's political agenda, rather than generate income or financial returns.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Dimtsi Weyane Television estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 581
March 2024$ 1.61K
February 2024$ 1.54K
January 2024$ 1.07K
December 2023$ 724
November 2023$ 1.08K
October 2023$ 1.95K
July 2023$ 1.3K
June 2023$ 825
May 2023$ 916
April 2023$ 1.61K
March 2023$ 2.36K
February 2023$ 2.3K
January 2023$ 3.25K
December 2022$ 5.07K
November 2022$ 6.84K
October 2022$ 10.3K
September 2022$ 5.23K
August 2022$ 6.28K
July 2022$ 4.43K
June 2022$ 3.25K
May 2022$ 2.75K

Dimtsi Weyane Television Frequently Asked Questions

Who founded Dimtsi Weyane Television?

The channel was founded by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in 1979.

What is the focus of Dimtsi Weyane Television?

The channel's focus is on promoting the interests of the Tigrayan ethnic group in Ethiopia.

Has Dimtsi Weyane Television been involved in any controversies?

Yes, the channel has been accused of promoting hate speech and inciting violence against non-Tigrayan ethnic groups in Ethiopia, as well as violating the country's broadcasting regulations.

Who funds Dimtsi Weyane Television?

The channel is funded by the Tigray People's Liberation Front.

Is Dimtsi Weyane Television a commercial enterprise?

No, the channel is primarily a propaganda tool for the TPLF, rather than a commercial enterprise.

What is the current status of Dimtsi Weyane Television?

As of 2021, the channel continues to operate and has a loyal following among Tigrayan viewers.

What is the main goal of Dimtsi Weyane Television?

The main goal of the channel is to promote the interests of the Tigrayan ethnic group and the TPLF's political agenda.

Is Dimtsi Weyane Television available outside of Ethiopia?

Yes, the channel is available via satellite and online streaming, and is popular among Tigrayans living outside of Ethiopia.