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Drew Durnil Drew Durnil
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Drew Durnil net worth

$ 357K - $ 2.14M *

Drew Durnil income

$ 1.31K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 9.22K
last 30 days
$ 30.8K
last 90 days

It is difficult to estimate Drew Durnil's net worth, as he has not publicly disclosed his earnings from YouTube or other sources. However, it is likely that his YouTube channel generates a significant income through advertising revenue and sponsorship deals, as well as from merchandise sales. He has collaborated with brands such as Paradox Interactive and Hoi4memez, and has launched his own line of merchandise on his website.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Drew Durnil estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 4.66K
March 2024$ 10.7K
February 2024$ 9.25K
January 2024$ 6.36K
December 2023$ 7.72K
November 2023$ 9.34K
October 2023$ 11.3K
July 2023$ 13.2K
June 2023$ 7.08K
May 2023$ 8.79K
April 2023$ 16.3K
March 2023$ 18K
February 2023$ 19.6K
January 2023$ 24.7K
December 2022$ 28.9K
November 2022$ 19.4K
October 2022$ 20.4K
September 2022$ 9.69K
August 2022$ 23.5K
July 2022$ 22.8K
June 2022$ 27.7K
May 2022$ -3.67K

Drew Durnil Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired Drew Durnil to start making YouTube videos?

Drew Durnil has always been interested in history and politics, and he was inspired to start making videos on YouTube in order to share his passion with others and to create a community around his interests.

Does Drew Durnil have any formal education in history or politics?

Drew Durnil does not have a formal education in history or politics, but he is known for his thorough research and extensive reading on these subjects. He also consults with experts in various fields to ensure the accuracy of his videos.

What are some of Drew Durnil's most popular videos?

Some of Drew Durnil's most popular videos include 'The Great War in Hearts of Iron 4', 'Europa Universalis 4: The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse', and 'Imperator: Rome - Rise of Rome'. These videos have millions of views and have helped to establish Drew as one of the most popular YouTubers in the history and strategy game genre.

Does Drew Durnil have any plans to expand his content beyond history and politics?

While Drew Durnil is primarily known for his history and politics videos, he has also created content in other genres, such as comedy and pop culture. He has expressed an interest in exploring other topics in the future, and his fans are eagerly anticipating what he will do next.

Does Drew Durnil have a Patreon or other crowdfunding platform?

Drew Durnil does not currently have a Patreon or other crowdfunding platform, but he does have merchandise available for purchase on his website.

What is Drew Durnil's favorite video game?

Drew Durnil's favorite video game is Civilization III, which he has stated he has played for over 20 years. He appreciates the depth and complexity of the game, as well as the opportunities for creative and strategic thinking.

Has Drew Durnil ever collaborated with other YouTubers?

Yes, Drew Durnil has collaborated with other YouTubers, such as The Great War, Mordred Viking, and Imperator: Rome. He enjoys working with others in the community and sharing his passion for history and strategy games.

Does Drew Durnil have any plans to write a book or create other media outside of YouTube?

While Drew Durnil has not expressed any specific plans to write a book or create other media outside of YouTube, he has stated that he wants to continue to explore his interests and share his knowledge with others. His fans are eager to see what he will do in the future and are excited to support his endeavors.

What are some of Drew Durnil's favorite history or politics books?

Drew Durnil is an avid reader and has recommended many books on his channel. Some of his favorites include 'Guns, Germs and Steel' by Jared Diamond, 'The Rise and Fall of Great Powers' by Paul Kennedy, and 'The Guns of August' by Barbara Tuchman.

Where is Drew Durnil from?

Drew Durnil is from the United States, although he has not disclosed his exact location or background.