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Ed Citronnelli Ministries Ed Citronnelli Ministries
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Ed Citronnelli Ministries net worth

$ 13.9K - $ 83.3K *

Ed Citronnelli Ministries income

$ 109
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 1.07K
last 30 days
$ 2.95K
last 90 days

As a non-profit organization, Ed Citronnelli Ministries does not disclose specific financial information regarding its net worth. The primary focus of the ministry is to serve God and provide spiritual guidance to those in need. The financial resources received by the organization are primarily utilized for the maintenance of church facilities, outreach programs, and supporting various charitable initiatives. The ministry relies on the generosity of its members and donors who contribute willingly to support the mission of Ed Citronnelli Ministries. These contributions enable the ministry to continue its impactful work and reach more individuals with the message of hope, love, and redemption.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Ed Citronnelli Ministries estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 417
March 2024$ 993
February 2024$ 1.01K
January 2024$ 516
December 2023$ 394
November 2023$ 312
October 2023$ 382
July 2023$ 416
June 2023$ 292
May 2023$ 504
April 2023$ 561
March 2023$ 601
February 2023$ 572
January 2023$ 941
December 2022$ 321
November 2022$ 492
October 2022$ 484
September 2022$ 464
August 2022$ 479
July 2022$ 558
June 2022$ 744
May 2022$ 526
April 2022$ 104

Ed Citronnelli Ministries Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission of Ed Citronnelli Ministries?

The mission of Ed Citronnelli Ministries is to bring spiritual healing, deliverance, and restoration through the teachings of Christianity.

How can I connect with Ed Citronnelli Ministries?

You can connect with Ed Citronnelli Ministries through their website and various social media platforms.

Does Ed Citronnelli Ministries organize events?

Yes, Ed Citronnelli Ministries organizes regular services, conferences, and events where individuals can experience powerful worship and receive spiritual guidance.

Can I request prayer from Ed Citronnelli Ministries?

Yes, Ed Citronnelli Ministries accepts prayer requests from individuals seeking divine intervention. These requests are diligently prayed for by the ministry's dedicated prayer team.

Is Ed Citronnelli Ministries affiliated with any specific denomination?

Ed Citronnelli Ministries is not affiliated with any specific denomination. The ministry focuses on spreading the message of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Does Ed Citronnelli Ministries offer counseling services?

Yes, Ed Citronnelli Ministries provides counseling services to individuals seeking spiritual guidance and emotional support. The ministry's trained counselors offer biblical-based counseling to address various life challenges.

How can I support Ed Citronnelli Ministries?

You can support Ed Citronnelli Ministries by attending their services and events, spreading their message, and contributing financially to support their charitable initiatives.

Does Ed Citronnelli Ministries have a physical location?

Yes, Ed Citronnelli Ministries has a physical location where regular services and events take place. The ministry's website provides information about the location and service timings.