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ElShowDeJota El Show De Jota
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ElShowDeJota net worth

$ 29.6K - $ 178K *

ElShowDeJota income

$ 9.58K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ -75.7K
last 30 days
$ -75.3K
last 90 days

ElShowDeJota has achieved significant success on YouTube, which has contributed to his overall net worth. As a popular YouTuber, Jota earns revenue through various sources, including ad revenue from his videos, brand deals, and merchandise sales. The exact net worth of ElShowDeJota is difficult to determine as it fluctuates over time based on numerous factors such as video views, engagement, and business ventures. Jota has used his success on YouTube to expand his brand beyond the online platform. He has collaborated with other content creators, ventured into merchandise sales, and explored opportunities for brand partnerships. These endeavors have further contributed to his overall net worth. ElShowDeJota's success serves as a testament to the power of online platforms for content creators. Through dedication, creativity, and a strong connection with his audience, Jota has been able to build a thriving career and achieve financial success.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

ElShowDeJota estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ -75.7K
March 2024$ 136
February 2024$ 143
January 2024$ 97
December 2023$ 277
November 2023$ 257
October 2023$ 817
July 2023$ 827
June 2023$ 359
May 2023$ -251
April 2023$ 460
March 2023$ 301
February 2023$ 338
January 2023$ 1.12K
December 2022$ 800
November 2022$ 180
October 2022$ -1.49K
September 2022$ 134
August 2022$ 490
July 2022$ 197
June 2022$ 153
May 2022$ 149
April 2022$ 29

ElShowDeJota Frequently Asked Questions

How much does ElShowDeJota make per 1000 views?

ElShowDeJota makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How many uploads on youtube ElShowDeJota has?

ElShowDeJota uploaded 306 videos on youtube.

How many subs does ElShowDeJota have?

ElShowDeJota has 605,000 subs.

When ElShowDeJota started youtube channel?

ElShowDeJota has youtube channel since 2014-12-29.

What is net worth of ElShowDeJota?

Net worth of ElShowDeJota is approximately $ 95.7K.

How many video views does ElShowDeJota have?

ElShowDeJota has 78,969,044 video views on youtube.