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امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family
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امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family net worth

$ 18.7K - $ 112K *

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family income

$ 2
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 20
last 30 days
$ 72
last 90 days

Being a popular YouTube channel, Amjad & Farah has established multiple income streams. They earn through various means such as ad revenue, sponsored content, and brand collaborations. With their consistently high viewership and engagement, they have managed to generate a substantial net worth. However, specific financial details and net worth figures are not publicly available. It is safe to say that their successful YouTube career has provided them with a comfortable lifestyle and financial stability.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 12
March 2024$ 20
February 2024$ 24
January 2024$ 20
December 2023$ 36
November 2023$ 15
October 2023$ 16
July 2023$ 28
June 2023$ 36
May 2023$ 34
April 2023$ 48
March 2023$ 45
February 2023$ 49
January 2023$ 58
December 2022$ 34
November 2022$ 49
October 2022$ 66
September 2022$ 91
August 2022$ 157
July 2022$ 184
June 2022$ 260
May 2022$ 95

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family Frequently Asked Questions

What is the monthly income of امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family?

Income of امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family is $ 20.6.

How many subs does امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family have?

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family has 1,010,000 subs.

What is امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family's net worth?

Net worth of امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family is approximately $ 60.6K.

When امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family started youtube channel?

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family has youtube channel since 2018-03-04.

How much does امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family make per 1000 views?

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How many video views does امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family have?

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family has 49,961,937 video views.

How many uploads on youtube امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family has?

امجد و فرح Amjad & Farah Family uploaded 171 videos on youtube.