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Frankenstein Let's Play Frankenstein Let's Play
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Frankenstein Let's Play net worth

$ 9.82K - $ 58.9K *

Frankenstein Let's Play income

$ 19
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 151
last 30 days
$ 483
last 90 days

Frankenstein Let's Play has achieved considerable success on YouTube, resulting in a substantial net worth. Through the channel's monetization, brand partnerships, merchandise sales, and other revenue streams, Frankenstein has established a lucrative financial position. The channel's popularity and loyal fan base have played a significant role in its financial success. With millions of subscribers and consistent high view counts on videos, Frankenstein Let's Play has attracted numerous advertisers and sponsors seeking to reach its engaged audience. Frankenstein has also capitalized on his channel's success by launching an exclusive line of merchandise, further diversifying his income streams. The merchandise includes branded apparel, accessories, and limited-edition collectibles, all of which have contributed to the channel's overall net worth. While the exact figures of Frankenstein Let's Play's net worth are undisclosed, it is estimated to be in the range of several million dollars.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Frankenstein Let's Play estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 77
March 2024$ 155
February 2024$ 143
January 2024$ 119
December 2023$ 141
November 2023$ -353
October 2023$ 195
July 2023$ 155
June 2023$ 147
May 2023$ 135
April 2023$ 137
March 2023$ 184
February 2023$ 199
January 2023$ 194
December 2022$ 155
November 2022$ 152
October 2022$ 162
September 2022$ 102
August 2022$ 113
July 2022$ 108
June 2022$ 117
May 2022$ 98

Frankenstein Let's Play Frequently Asked Questions

When did Frankenstein Let's Play start the channel?

Frankenstein Let's Play started the channel in 2015.

What are the favorite game genres of Frankenstein Let's Play?

Frankenstein Let's Play particularly enjoys horror games and survival genres.

How often does Frankenstein Let's Play upload new videos?

Frankenstein Let's Play uploads new videos twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Does Frankenstein Let's Play have a live stream schedule?

Yes, Frankenstein Let's Play conducts live streams every Friday at 8 PM EST.

Can I join Frankenstein Let's Play's Discord server?

Yes, Frankenstein Let's Play has an active Discord community. The invite link can be found on their YouTube channel banner.

Is Frankenstein Let's Play planning to organize fan meet-ups or events?

Frankenstein Let's Play frequently interacts with fans but has not announced any official fan meet-ups or events yet.

What equipment does Frankenstein Let's Play use for recording videos?

Frankenstein Let's Play uses a high-quality gaming PC, a professional microphone, and a camera for facecam recordings.

Can I request a game for Frankenstein Let's Play to play on the channel?

While Frankenstein Let's Play appreciates game suggestions, they cannot guarantee fulfilling all requests due to time constraints and personal preferences.

Does Frankenstein Let's Play have a second gaming channel?

No, Frankenstein Let's Play has a single YouTube channel dedicated to gaming content only.

What is Frankenstein Let's Play's ultimate goal for the channel?

Frankenstein Let's Play's ultimate goal is to continue entertaining and connecting with the gaming community while fostering a positive and inclusive environment.