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GameStar net worth

$ 523K - $ 3.14M *

GameStar income

$ 1.43K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 10.7K
last 30 days
$ 34K
last 90 days

GameStar, as a YouTube channel, generates revenue primarily through advertisements, sponsorships, and partnerships. The exact net worth of the channel is not publicly disclosed, but its popularity and wide reach suggest it has significant financial success. Being one of the most subscribed and viewed gaming channels on YouTube, GameStar's income is influenced by factors such as video views, ad impressions, engagement metrics, and the monetization policies of the YouTube platform. Additionally, GameStar may generate extra revenue from merchandise sales, brand collaborations, and other business ventures related to their brand. It is worth noting that the net worth of any YouTube channel can fluctuate due to various factors, and it is always recommended to consult reliable sources or financial experts for the most up-to-date information on GameStar's net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

GameStar estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 4.22K
March 2024$ 12K
February 2024$ 11.3K
January 2024$ 7.84K
December 2023$ 10.8K
November 2023$ 13.4K
October 2023$ 11.3K
July 2023$ 7.13K
June 2023$ 8.71K
May 2023$ 8.57K
April 2023$ 10.4K
March 2023$ 13.6K
February 2023$ 14.4K
January 2023$ 10.8K
December 2022$ 14K
November 2022$ 10.1K
October 2022$ 12.3K
September 2022$ 6.99K
August 2022$ 10.1K
July 2022$ 10.6K
June 2022$ 9.79K
May 2022$ 19.8K

GameStar Frequently Asked Questions

When was GameStar founded?

GameStar was founded in [year].

How often does GameStar upload new content?

GameStar uploads new content [frequency].

Which gaming platforms does GameStar cover?

GameStar covers gaming platforms such as [platforms].

Can I request a specific game to be featured on GameStar?

GameStar encourages its audience to suggest game titles, and they consider popular requests for future content.

Does GameStar organize meet-ups or events?

GameStar occasionally organizes meet-ups or events to engage with their community, which are typically announced on their social media platforms.

How can I support GameStar?

You can support GameStar by subscribing to their channel, liking their videos, sharing their content, and purchasing their merchandise.

Does GameStar have a mobile app?

Currently, GameStar does not have a dedicated mobile app, but their content can be accessed through YouTube's mobile app or website.

Can I collaborate with GameStar?

GameStar considers collaboration opportunities with other content creators, developers, and brands. It is recommended to reach out to them through their official email or social media platforms with collaboration proposals.