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George To The Rescue George To The Rescue
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George To The Rescue net worth

$ 9.97K - $ 59.8K

George To The Rescue income

$ 18
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 65
last 30 days
$ 185
last 90 days

George To The Rescue estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 39
March 2024$ 48
February 2024$ 50
January 2024$ 36
December 2023$ 57
November 2023$ 150
October 2023$ 198
July 2023$ 62
June 2023$ 86
May 2023$ 185
April 2023$ 163
March 2023$ 97
February 2023$ 96
January 2023$ 128
December 2022$ 99
November 2022$ 212
October 2022$ 258
September 2022$ 63
August 2022$ 115
July 2022$ 71
June 2022$ 109
May 2022$ 188

George To The Rescue Frequently Asked Questions

What is George To The Rescue?

George To The Rescue is a television show hosted by George Oliphant. It follows George and his team as they renovate and remodel homes for families in need.

How can I get involved with George To The Rescue?

You can get involved with George To The Rescue by volunteering your time, making a donation, or nominating a family in need of home renovation.

Where can I watch George To The Rescue?

George To The Rescue airs on various television networks. Check your local listings for air times and channels.

How long has George To The Rescue been on the air?

George To The Rescue first premiered in 2010 and has since aired multiple seasons.

Is George Oliphant the only host of the show?

Yes, George Oliphant is the sole host of George To The Rescue.

How are the families chosen for home renovation?

Families are chosen through a nomination process. Anyone can nominate a family in need, and the show's producers carefully select families based on their specific circumstances and the impact a home renovation would have on their lives.

Is George To The Rescue only focused on home renovations?

Yes, the primary focus of George To The Rescue is home renovations. However, the show also highlights the personal stories of the families involved and the challenges they face.

Can I buy merchandise related to George To The Rescue?

Yes, merchandise related to George To The Rescue is available for purchase on the show's official website.

How can I contact George To The Rescue?

You can contact George To The Rescue through their official website or social media channels.