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Top Youtube Science & Technology channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 HaerteTestHaerteTest 19,600,000 3,400,996,469 1,638 Science & Technology 2011
2 ScieProSciePro 1,510,000 992,075,364 246 Science & Technology 2007
3 CargospotterCargospotter 1,140,000 612,973,808 1,197 Science & Technology 2011
4 wissensbertwissensbert 547,000 609,274,854 699 Science & Technology 2021
5 JoergSpraveJoergSprave 3,070,000 584,598,619 1,248 Science & Technology 2008
6 5_sprechwunsch5_sprechwunsch 386,000 436,551,598 356 Science & Technology 2021
7 Die MausDie Maus 383,000 393,868,052 633 Science & Technology 2021
8 Terra X HistoryTerra X History 1,150,000 381,802,112 691 Science & Technology 2016
9 26Solmates magic26Solmates magic 1,680,000 349,358,284 224 Science & Technology 2016
10 DasIstJayDasIstJay 275,000 331,992,536 676 Science & Technology 2020
11 Siemens Knowledge HubSiemens Knowledge Hub 332,000 329,610,222 13,814 Science & Technology 2006
12 GreatScott!GreatScott! 1,980,000 308,981,418 487 Science & Technology 2013
13 VN24VN24 374,000 301,867,757 1,814 Science & Technology 2018
14 DW TürkçeDW Türkçe 805,000 300,560,675 8,336 Science & Technology 2011
15 Terra X Lesch & CoTerra X Lesch & Co 1,110,000 253,644,679 487 Science & Technology 2015
16 Hashem Al-GhailiHashem Al-Ghaili 939,000 234,958,566 520 Science & Technology 2008
17 Captain JoeCaptain Joe 1,680,000 226,668,626 379 Science & Technology 2014
18 iKnowReviewiKnowReview 565,000 206,928,700 1,056 Science & Technology 2013
19 Sabine HossenfelderSabine Hossenfelder 1,470,000 204,200,573 654 Science & Technology 2007
20 TuToTVTuToTV 1,000,000 199,704,739 888 Science & Technology 2012
21 SwagTabSwagTab 461,000 199,497,718 2,171 Science & Technology 2012
22 TechnikfaultierTechnikfaultier 389,000 185,296,029 4,198 Science & Technology 2012
23 QuarksQuarks 801,000 180,749,810 1,012 Science & Technology 2018
24 Brickstory - Dein Wissen über Klemmbausteine!Brickstory - Dein Wissen über Klemmbausteine! 313,000 177,410,883 1,386 Science & Technology 2015
25 The HandymanThe Handyman 433,000 176,916,428 3,844 Science & Technology 2014
26 Google DeutschlandGoogle Deutschland 478,000 168,723,916 494 Science & Technology 2007
27 JJChemistryJJChemistry 341,000 166,167,011 165 Science & Technology 2020
28 PC-WELTPC-WELT 629,000 165,862,660 2,787 Science & Technology 2006
29 Techtastisch - Experimente und 3D DruckTechtastisch - Experimente und 3D Druck 569,000 165,081,037 793 Science & Technology 2014
30 Bosch GlobalBosch Global 63,100 158,244,869 940 Science & Technology 2011
31 DIGITAL CREATOR BLUEDIGITAL CREATOR BLUE 342,000 156,706,001 224 Science & Technology 2023
32 Welt der WunderWelt der Wunder 448,000 154,027,639 793 Science & Technology 2006
33 Toolbrothers | Werkzeug-Tests & DIYToolbrothers | Werkzeug-Tests & DIY 141,000 140,808,643 1,468 Science & Technology 2016
34 Militär- und Landtechnik Klaus SchröderMilitär- und Landtechnik Klaus Schröder 217,000 137,725,958 1,890 Science & Technology 2012
35 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 272,000 134,980,745 529 Science & Technology 2023
36 Bosch Home Bosch Home 66,200 133,355,696 621 Science & Technology 2011
37 Breaking LabBreaking Lab 647,000 131,533,429 799 Science & Technology 2016
38 DW IndonesiaDW Indonesia 645,000 120,776,190 2,588 Science & Technology 2012
39 COMPUTER BILDCOMPUTER BILD 181,000 120,069,173 3,228 Science & Technology 2011
40 der8auerder8auer 486,000 115,080,623 1,023 Science & Technology 2006
41 TURN ONTURN ON 299,000 112,077,994 1,972 Science & Technology 2013
42 Huawei Mobile DeutschlandHuawei Mobile Deutschland 55,400 107,409,940 104 Science & Technology 2012
43 Urknall, Weltall und das LebenUrknall, Weltall und das Leben 309,000 104,721,340 1,063 Science & Technology 2014
44 Tuhl Teim DETuhl Teim DE 248,000 93,931,025 974 Science & Technology 2014
45 LPIndie - Astronomie und WissenschaftLPIndie - Astronomie und Wissenschaft 180,000 92,635,234 4,911 Science & Technology 2014
46 CNC KitchenCNC Kitchen 600,000 91,097,733 214 Science & Technology 2016
47 Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer)Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer) 486,000 86,724,503 562 Science & Technology 2013
48 419,000 83,146,429 109 Science & Technology 2008
49 TechAltarTechAltar 725,000 82,645,763 225 Science & Technology 2013
50 HinkowiczHinkowicz 116,000 80,328,889 524 Science & Technology 2019
51 WULFIWULFI 159,000 79,740,995 1,418 Science & Technology 2016
52 Manfred WeldingManfred Welding 166,000 77,585,839 826 Science & Technology 2016
53 Benjamin JaworskyjBenjamin Jaworskyj 436,000 76,455,839 752 Science & Technology 2009
54 macrofyingmacrofying 357,000 75,114,611 37 Science & Technology 2020
55 TechVideoTechVideo 73,200 74,700,550 8,216 Science & Technology 2009
56 Rheinmetall – Der integrierte TechnologiekonzernRheinmetall – Der integrierte Technologiekonzern 221,000 73,703,167 311 Science & Technology 2012
57 Technik AbiTechnik Abi 127,000 72,239,883 537 Science & Technology 2021
58 BASFBASF 88,100 71,935,189 3,781 Science & Technology 2006
59 GOTOOLS TVGOTOOLS TV 204,000 71,187,426 822 Science & Technology 2016
60 maturaSigmamaturaSigma 36,500 71,087,415 1,017 Science & Technology 2008
61 Rohde SchwarzRohde Schwarz 71,400 70,567,923 1,274 Science & Technology 2008
62 Zenchillis Hardware ReviewsZenchillis Hardware Reviews 243,000 70,150,491 1,324 Science & Technology 2011
63 MrLuchs ShortsMrLuchs Shorts 87,700 68,879,514 802 Science & Technology 2020
64 So Geht DasSo Geht Das 273,000 67,895,673 724 Science & Technology 2015
65 Dr. UnboxKingDr. UnboxKing 275,000 66,592,918 1,306 Science & Technology 2015
66 Spiel und ZeugSpiel und Zeug 349,000 65,964,191 530 Science & Technology 2014
67 UnimedienUnimedien 137,000 61,907,532 379 Science & Technology 2016
68 WAMBOWAMBO 115,000 59,031,991 110 Science & Technology 2021
69 NuoVisoNuoViso 274,000 58,309,467 861 Science & Technology 2009
70 DHLDHL 109,000 58,035,382 2,404 Science & Technology 2005
71 European Southern Observatory (ESO)European Southern Observatory (ESO) 241,000 57,335,427 1,211 Science & Technology 2007
72 Igor WelderIgor Welder 163,000 56,268,946 1,132 Science & Technology 2009
73 194,000 55,760,278 1,130 Science & Technology 2011
74 Bosch RexrothBosch Rexroth 33,700 54,559,872 2,275 Science & Technology 2012
75 OwnGalaxyOwnGalaxy 205,000 53,493,444 903 Science & Technology 2011
76 GIGAGIGA 100,000 50,454,658 3,125 Science & Technology 2011
77 ITRaidDEITRaidDE 222,000 50,083,798 855 Science & Technology 2013
78 techloupetechloupe 85,800 49,541,316 1,673 Science & Technology 2011
79 CG ShortsCG Shorts 41,100 49,380,453 486 Science & Technology 2022
80 ARD GESUND mit Dr. Julia FischerARD GESUND mit Dr. Julia Fischer 354,000 48,803,324 584 Science & Technology 2020
81 Arthur KonzeArthur Konze 134,000 46,235,783 1,166 Science & Technology 2008
82 Cosmas BauerCosmas Bauer 222,000 45,252,434 156 Science & Technology 2010
83 Damir FrancDamir Franc 109,000 45,171,212 2,202 Science & Technology 2008
84 Mach dich schlau! - Mystery, Doku & SpaceMach dich schlau! - Mystery, Doku & Space 102,000 44,626,614 1,143 Science & Technology 2017
85 Doktor WhatsonDoktor Whatson 350,000 44,605,389 337 Science & Technology 2015
86 Leaps by BayerLeaps by Bayer 6,260 43,417,990 96 Science & Technology 2017
87 Neue HorizonteNeue Horizonte 172,000 43,294,343 1,179 Science & Technology 2006
88 top agrartop agrar 76,000 41,382,297 702 Science & Technology 2008
89 SchwabTVSchwabTV 48,400 40,754,926 639 Science & Technology 2010
90 All About SamsungAll About Samsung 124,000 40,507,214 619 Science & Technology 2011
91 DasMontyDasMonty 136,000 40,495,626 1,572 Science & Technology 2010
92 185,000 40,026,941 628 Science & Technology 2013
93 PyroExtremPyroExtrem 155,000 39,531,460 1,029 Science & Technology 2011
94 RatunRatun 228,000 39,521,413 583 Science & Technology 2016
95 Nils-Hendrik WelkNils-Hendrik Welk 162,000 39,374,668 1,569 Science & Technology 2011
96 BluebrywowBluebrywow 55,300 38,681,453 1,913 Science & Technology 2020
97 TechStageTechStage 69,100 38,532,537 1,282 Science & Technology 2009
98 Einfach genialEinfach genial 158,000 38,409,138 786 Science & Technology 2016
99 Computer:Club2Computer:Club2 170,000 38,098,660 1,169 Science & Technology 2013
100 Festool Deutschland (DE, AT & CH)Festool Deutschland (DE, AT & CH) 47,100 36,473,567 525 Science & Technology 2006
101 ValueTechTVValueTechTV 74,600 35,569,160 1,463 Science & Technology 2011
102 Vattenfall DeutschlandVattenfall Deutschland 115,000 35,458,231 495 Science & Technology 2013
103 Загадки ВселеннойЗагадки Вселенной 132,000 35,267,255 205 Science & Technology 2008
104 M1M Tech ChannelM1M Tech Channel 124,000 35,070,866 530 Science & Technology 2016
105 ExoMagazinTVExoMagazinTV 128,000 34,974,199 1,024 Science & Technology 2007
106 Oleksandr ShastunOleksandr Shastun 47,900 34,900,475 2,973 Science & Technology 2009
107 CURVEDCURVED 64,100 34,639,249 1,062 Science & Technology 2013
108 GRIMME LandmaschinenGRIMME Landmaschinen 63,400 34,623,661 252 Science & Technology 2010
109 Conrad ElectronicConrad Electronic 58,900 34,116,393 369 Science & Technology 2005
110 handymchandymc 16,900 34,110,797 1,801 Science & Technology 2007
111 Lieber MedizinLieber Medizin 70,700 34,028,587 661 Science & Technology 2016
112 Tom's Tech TimeTom's Tech Time 207,000 33,849,137 266 Science & Technology 2012
113 Valentin MöllerValentin Möller 118,000 33,360,284 1,092 Science & Technology 2009
114 BlocktrainerBlocktrainer 181,000 33,208,379 1,254 Science & Technology 2018
115 MoschussMoschuss 62,800 32,773,563 3,438 Science & Technology 2009
116 heise & c'theise & c't 91,800 32,405,342 4,207 Science & Technology 2011
117 doc felixdoc felix 173,000 32,172,584 864 Science & Technology 2020
118 Bosch DIY and Garden DeutschlandBosch DIY and Garden Deutschland 16,800 31,238,775 793 Science & Technology 2010
119 ShipTV - SchiffskanalShipTV - Schiffskanal 38,200 30,968,512 916 Science & Technology 2009
120 Rod HerzstromRod Herzstrom 100,000 30,748,068 352 Science & Technology 2006
121 Telekom NetzTelekom Netz 72,300 29,880,270 981 Science & Technology 2016
122 der8auer ENder8auer EN 209,000 29,310,102 260 Science & Technology 2021
123 Tech QuarksTech Quarks 70,100 28,844,338 62 Science & Technology 2019
124 HossHoss 307,000 27,929,602 728 Science & Technology 2021
125 FRITZ!BoxFRITZ!Box 131,000 27,830,065 468 Science & Technology 2005
126 Bahnprojekt Stuttgart–UlmBahnprojekt Stuttgart–Ulm 52,000 26,821,388 535 Science & Technology 2010
127 AutobahnAddictionAutobahnAddiction 104,000 26,776,598 780 Science & Technology 2010
128 ZerobrainZerobrain 88,100 26,699,244 895 Science & Technology 2015
129 TechnikkellerTechnikkeller 99,100 26,406,309 739 Science & Technology 2014
130 AmazingNature AlphaAmazingNature Alpha 131,000 26,239,625 917 Science & Technology 2016
131 Deutsche TelekomDeutsche Telekom 58,800 26,090,006 428 Science & Technology 2007
132 FestoFesto 99,900 26,032,348 573 Science & Technology 2008
133 Mr. TechMr. Tech 54,700 25,609,264 485 Science & Technology 2017
134 Wolfgang's ChannelWolfgang's Channel 284,000 25,400,694 95 Science & Technology 2018
135 Marc Gebauer HighlightsMarc Gebauer Highlights 107,000 24,720,932 673 Science & Technology 2020
136 Marco RepsMarco Reps 214,000 24,671,578 207 Science & Technology 2006
137 The Friday CheckoutThe Friday Checkout 181,000 24,662,425 221 Science & Technology 2020
138 Thomas SchwenkeThomas Schwenke 138,000 24,630,147 68 Science & Technology 2007
139 JOCRJOCR 158,000 24,052,669 451 Science & Technology 2007
140 wettercomwettercom 32,300 23,909,182 5,363 Science & Technology 2010
141 Speakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur TechnikSpeakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur Technik 51,200 23,323,953 897 Science & Technology 2009
142 32,400 23,250,474 1,725 Science & Technology 2007
143 Der RasenfreakDer Rasenfreak 58,600 23,048,665 527 Science & Technology 2008
144 Der kleine DreXlerDer kleine DreXler 66,200 22,785,901 435 Science & Technology 2017
145 BILDNER TVBILDNER TV 113,000 22,523,902 1,907 Science & Technology 2018
146 Jonas FalkJonas Falk 91,400 22,250,089 930 Science & Technology 2013
147 EnBW Energie Baden-WürttembergEnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg 10,800 22,063,298 287 Science & Technology 2006
148 mobile-reviewsmobile-reviews 50,500 21,894,151 1,080 Science & Technology 2006
149 Raumzeit - Vlog der ZukunftRaumzeit - Vlog der Zukunft 191,000 21,542,991 308 Science & Technology 2010
150 c't 3003c't 3003 155,000 20,789,932 204 Science & Technology 2015
151 Turtle Beach PCTurtle Beach PC 186,000 20,544,327 573 Science & Technology 2009
152 PyroExtremGermanyPyroExtremGermany 58,500 20,495,531 2,752 Science & Technology 2012
153 Quarks Dimension RalphQuarks Dimension Ralph 188,000 20,300,070 156 Science & Technology 2022
154 MrHelferSyndromMrHelferSyndrom 97,100 20,089,722 361 Science & Technology 2012
155 AMAZONEAMAZONE 38,200 19,982,012 517 Science & Technology 2009
156 bitlunibitluni 254,000 19,847,806 167 Science & Technology 2013
157 HIFIDEHIFIDE 57,300 19,702,627 842 Science & Technology 2019
158 SHK InfoSHK Info 79,100 19,173,869 358 Science & Technology 2016
159 Mister SiriusMister Sirius 169,000 19,049,108 105 Science & Technology 2021
160 KNIPEXKNIPEX 78,300 18,970,839 762 Science & Technology 2009
162 MoeKitMoeKit 48,600 18,681,965 687 Science & Technology 2015
163 Tobi LangTobi Lang 15,900 18,635,951 3,037 Science & Technology 2009
164 FrontkostenFrontkosten 24,800 18,365,500 156 Science & Technology 2022
165 TechnikLoftTechnikLoft 47,300 18,351,473 506 Science & Technology 2010
166 AppreviewnewsAppreviewnews 20,000 18,123,776 3,137 Science & Technology 2012
167 The MorpheusThe Morpheus 136,000 17,973,871 476 Science & Technology 2019
168 IlkeiamIlkeiam 30,800 17,485,142 133 Science & Technology 2021
169 jukemanjukeman 66,900 17,198,063 495 Science & Technology 2009
170 klarmobilDEklarmobilDE 2,190 16,929,272 108 Science & Technology 2010
171 TESTSIEGER TVTESTSIEGER TV 30,900 16,818,567 421 Science & Technology 2015
172 Gadgets Technik ReviewsGadgets Technik Reviews 37,000 16,617,756 274 Science & Technology 2016
173 Stay Scienced by RLScienceStay Scienced by RLScience 47,700 16,579,760 408 Science & Technology 2008
174 ChinaMobileMagChinaMobileMag 37,800 15,954,502 1,836 Science & Technology 2013
175 UnboxingPowerUnboxingPower 20,700 15,943,690 1,035 Science & Technology 2016
176 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 14,600 15,900,087 208 Science & Technology 2023
177 CyberportCyberport 27,500 15,751,578 2,088 Science & Technology 2006
178 TouchBennyTouchBenny 49,400 15,586,070 501 Science & Technology 2013
179 Modellpilot EUModellpilot EU 30,000 15,583,229 2,010 Science & Technology 2016
180 Ernst WolffErnst Wolff 172,000 15,449,059 349 Science & Technology 2020
181 congTECHcongTECH 111,000 15,408,019 155 Science & Technology 2013
182 SENKRECHTSTARTERSENKRECHTSTARTER 75,300 15,060,579 679 Science & Technology 2019
183 amSeehafenamSeehafen 16,600 15,059,268 10,804 Science & Technology 2011
184 Thomas PlaisantThomas Plaisant 14,000 14,656,793 622 Science & Technology 2007
185 DAVISIONDAVISION 62,900 14,635,151 811 Science & Technology 2016
186 Tor SegelohrenbobTor Segelohrenbob 29,800 14,560,445 618 Science & Technology 2006
187 mobiFlipmobiFlip 33,400 14,557,690 1,139 Science & Technology 2013
188 Özgür BilgeÖzgür Bilge 57,400 14,459,381 278 Science & Technology 2006
189 Der Waldläufer Jagd Bushcraft SurvivalDer Waldläufer Jagd Bushcraft Survival 36,900 14,387,008 586 Science & Technology 2013
190 Bastel NerdBastel Nerd 44,500 14,383,819 859 Science & Technology 2019
191 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 31,200 14,378,760 288 Science & Technology 2023
192 sparmagsparmag 62,700 14,378,476 773 Science & Technology 2015
193 TECHSOMETECHSOME 64,200 14,127,690 1,104 Science & Technology 2017
194 Schmiedeglut -Messer leidenschaftlich weiterdenkenSchmiedeglut -Messer leidenschaftlich weiterdenken 94,800 14,106,705 228 Science & Technology 2011
195 Entropy - Wissenschaft Schnell ErklärtEntropy - Wissenschaft Schnell Erklärt 93,200 13,988,310 484 Science & Technology 2019
196 Norman InvestigativNorman Investigativ 130,000 13,818,837 48 Science & Technology 2006
197 Philipps 3D DruckPhilipps 3D Druck 97,500 13,625,562 291 Science & Technology 2018
198 DrCassetteDrCassette 37,900 13,487,510 740 Science & Technology 2008
199 Joe Di Nardo OffiziellJoe Di Nardo Offiziell 34,500 13,425,875 186 Science & Technology 2018
200 BitBasteleiBitBastelei 50,900 13,096,217 887 Science & Technology 2006
201 Linux GuidesLinux Guides 50,700 13,004,389 861 Science & Technology 2015
202 Nikki FrohtagiNikki Frohtagi 33,300 12,998,907 127 Science & Technology 2012
203 SmartphonebloggerSmartphoneblogger 52,800 12,889,293 1,145 Science & Technology 2018
204 Bart FarmBart Farm 37,600 12,569,355 153 Science & Technology 2020
205 MEGA-TestberichteMEGA-Testberichte 20,500 12,498,457 1,299 Science & Technology 2006
206 KondensatorschadenKondensatorschaden 63,000 12,403,746 141 Science & Technology 2013
207 60,600 12,360,794 790 Science & Technology 2015
208 11,100 12,049,548 294 Science & Technology 2017
209 MovieSpottingBerlinMovieSpottingBerlin 21,100 11,903,800 3,503 Science & Technology 2010
210 NeugierZoneNeugierZone 79,100 11,790,117 304 Science & Technology 2018
211 FlakeyFoxFlakeyFox 54,500 11,700,604 142 Science & Technology 2021
212 MaxPlanckSocietyMaxPlanckSociety 57,500 11,645,730 651 Science & Technology 2010
213 Acer DACHAcer DACH 6,340 11,481,936 550 Science & Technology 2010
214 SMARTRONIKSMARTRONIK 18,100 11,363,745 514 Science & Technology 2022
215 Raspberry Pi CloudRaspberry Pi Cloud 63,000 11,359,046 616 Science & Technology 2019
216 Tiziano TridicoTiziano Tridico 92,700 11,266,167 1,086 Science & Technology 2011
217 Mike SuminskiMike Suminski 57,800 11,067,678 698 Science & Technology 2013
218 TechnikliebeTechnikliebe 36,300 11,023,485 408 Science & Technology 2018
219 CoselCosel 45,700 10,852,515 80 Science & Technology 2013
220 TESTSIEGER TV PLUSTESTSIEGER TV PLUS 32,800 10,561,777 76 Science & Technology 2016
221 igorsLABigorsLAB 98,500 10,538,426 692 Science & Technology 2010
222 16,300 10,468,224 711 Science & Technology 2007
223 LSCADLSCAD 35,300 10,460,641 224 Science & Technology 2014
224 brainfaqkbrainfaqk 129,000 10,384,295 206 Science & Technology 2013
225 Axel KnoetigAxel Knoetig 12,200 10,311,629 1,458 Science & Technology 2009
226 bizzybestbizzybest 20,700 10,164,466 812 Science & Technology 2015
227 TechniSatTechniSat 7,880 10,154,401 596 Science & Technology 2009
228 Freunde des StromsFreunde des Stroms 79,000 10,138,954 295 Science & Technology 2020
229 Zocker JZocker J 36,300 9,936,338 44 Science & Technology 2016
230 Motorgerätehaus KraußMotorgerätehaus Krauß 37,100 9,820,195 136 Science & Technology 2021
231 Martin FlindtMartin Flindt 65,800 9,628,396 241 Science & Technology 2015
232 nextpitnextpit 20,100 9,600,920 662 Science & Technology 2009
233 Lemmy's Tech-KisteLemmy's Tech-Kiste 22,600 9,548,515 609 Science & Technology 2011
234 TÜV RheinlandTÜV Rheinland 10,000 9,519,092 567 Science & Technology 2011
235 ASUS DeutschlandASUS Deutschland 10,400 9,267,762 199 Science & Technology 2013
236 OMROMR 57,200 9,194,957 866 Science & Technology 2015
237 achNinaachNina 51,200 9,023,053 70 Science & Technology 2013
238 AreamobileAreamobile 8,460 9,002,898 770 Science & Technology 2008
239 Hof VogelsangHof Vogelsang 14,700 8,979,865 145 Science & Technology 2020
240 ronnieronnie 18,700 8,861,833 1,697 Science & Technology 2007
241 TechFloydTechFloyd 40,600 8,836,390 708 Science & Technology 2006
242 Gustav RichardGustav Richard 32,300 8,605,710 144 Science & Technology 2011
243 HardwareluxxHardwareluxx 12,600 8,561,536 1,554 Science & Technology 2009
244 Frank StonerFrank Stoner 64,700 8,520,180 248 Science & Technology 2015
245 TechPiratTechPirat 21,200 8,364,056 1,158 Science & Technology 2015
246 Technik SamTechnik Sam 20,000 8,359,721 795 Science & Technology 2018
247 justaschmidtjustaschmidt 43,500 8,330,950 542 Science & Technology 2017
248 OdinsTestsOdinsTests 17,000 8,307,283 4,351 Science & Technology 2013
249 NSC ModzNSC Modz 30,100 8,256,041 496 Science & Technology 2008
250 Stefan SchäferStefan Schäfer 67,200 8,154,363 525 Science & Technology 2012
251 Bosch Home Comfort DeutschlandBosch Home Comfort Deutschland 3,340 8,149,344 247 Science & Technology 2010
252 Blackstage Drohnen TippsBlackstage Drohnen Tipps 74,000 8,040,824 142 Science & Technology 2015
253 GIGA ANDROIDGIGA ANDROID 28,900 8,027,707 806 Science & Technology 2010
254 Franks Werkstatt der LautsprechertechnikFranks Werkstatt der Lautsprechertechnik 50,700 7,940,128 256 Science & Technology 2019
255 NVIDIA GeForce DeutschlandNVIDIA GeForce Deutschland 50,700 7,760,543 601 Science & Technology 2011
256 Prof. Dr. Volker QuaschningProf. Dr. Volker Quaschning 77,700 7,717,883 195 Science & Technology 2011
257 Bocholter LandschweinBocholter Landschwein 33,500 7,547,616 305 Science & Technology 2013
258 delamar TECHdelamar TECH 13,300 7,503,712 240 Science & Technology 2021
259 Andreas AbbAndreas Abb 72,500 7,418,751 210 Science & Technology 2011
260 Tech mit AlexTech mit Alex 21,000 7,313,568 200 Science & Technology 2010
261 megatwingomegatwingo 5,160 7,163,475 2,544 Science & Technology 2006
262 IMAEDIA.DEIMAEDIA.DE 4,520 7,003,929 285 Science & Technology 2010
263 EasyPandiEasyPandi 36,595 6,946,883 83 Science & Technology 2015
264 luisengineeringluisengineering 39,600 6,913,977 60 Science & Technology 2021
265 CLP TutorialsCLP Tutorials 21,000 6,753,201 414 Science & Technology 2017
266 WELT SpaceWELT Space 29,500 6,740,317 247 Science & Technology 2018
267 Christopher HelmkeChristopher Helmke 66,700 6,673,182 12 Science & Technology 2023
268 utuberlarsutuberlars 24,900 6,620,613 626 Science & Technology 2010
269 HolzwurmTomHolzwurmTom 39,400 6,612,502 124 Science & Technology 2012
270 heisserreifenheisserreifen 5,660 6,596,016 650 Science & Technology 2008
271 KleinwindkraftKleinwindkraft 39,500 6,522,608 53 Science & Technology 2019
272 Deutsch - Kingston TechnologyDeutsch - Kingston Technology 19,700 6,263,644 296 Science & Technology 2012
273 Schneider Electric Deutschland/Österreich/SchweizSchneider Electric Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz 4,440 6,226,424 788 Science & Technology 2013
274 ASUS Republic of Gamers DACHASUS Republic of Gamers DACH 156,000 6,086,360 339 Science & Technology 2014
275 TechnikFreundYTTechnikFreundYT 39,100 6,039,353 209 Science & Technology 2013
276 LedlenserLedlenser 10,200 6,008,212 256 Science & Technology 2011
277 DIY DeutschlandDIY Deutschland 31,600 6,002,959 311 Science & Technology 2016
278 Joo Goo TVJoo Goo TV 25,500 5,978,496 355 Science & Technology 2020
279 Tom BötticherTom Bötticher 79,100 5,959,645 77 Science & Technology 2018
280 FUTUREMAG auf Deutsch - ARTEFUTUREMAG auf Deutsch - ARTE 17,000 5,906,745 559 Science & Technology 2014
281 Joe VogelJoe Vogel 40,900 5,843,108 218 Science & Technology 2007
282 Stay Forever PodcastStay Forever Podcast 29,400 5,837,477 346 Science & Technology 2012
283 JoergJoerg 2,420 5,754,911 51 Science & Technology 2006
284 CasekingCaseking 81,800 5,701,117 243 Science & Technology 2010
285 Tipps, Tests & NewsTipps, Tests & News 5,090 5,539,958 1,392 Science & Technology 2007
286 Gấu trúc ĐịnhGấu trúc Định 900,000 5,464,452 205 Science & Technology 2009
287 TvMixMax auf WeltreiseTvMixMax auf Weltreise 25,700 5,444,475 601 Science & Technology 2010
288 7Freitage7Freitage 19,000 5,388,100 71 Science & Technology 2022
289 PV&EPV&E 40,800 5,383,023 193 Science & Technology 2016
290 Die AllroundbastlerDie Allroundbastler 16,800 5,379,387 987 Science & Technology 2017
291 GrobMoGrobMo 3,280 5,275,444 522 Science & Technology 2007
292 Florian Sandmann-ReetzFlorian Sandmann-Reetz 34,600 5,265,049 370 Science & Technology 2016
293 FunkwelleFunkwelle 25,000 5,256,941 481 Science & Technology 2016
294 Mobiwatch NETMobiwatch NET 10,600 5,161,714 436 Science & Technology 2013
295 Tech BossTech Boss 25,100 5,102,252 359 Science & Technology 2015
296 Ilias BsdIlias Bsd 14,900 4,989,989 176 Science & Technology 2023
297 Börger MotorgeräteBörger Motorgeräte 2,950 4,940,626 179 Science & Technology 2009
298 VolocopterVolocopter 15,300 4,854,461 88 Science & Technology 2014
299 ApfeltalkApfeltalk 30,600 4,834,388 857 Science & Technology 2012
300 Quarks Science CopsQuarks Science Cops 62,400 4,807,021 226 Science & Technology 2023
301 VE99 Online VE99 Online 21,600 4,768,218 323 Science & Technology 2019
302 Grillz GermanyGrillz Germany 31,500 4,717,312 123 Science & Technology 2020
303 OsLee540iOsLee540i 21,400 4,677,547 380 Science & Technology 2006
304 LetsDenkLetsDenk 51,700 4,589,201 80 Science & Technology 2012
305 DL2YMRDL2YMR 25,900 4,446,169 383 Science & Technology 2010
306 sehertestsehertest 18,900 4,404,909 242 Science & Technology 2007
307 KIT Lehre und WissenKIT Lehre und Wissen 22,800 4,238,511 1,932 Science & Technology 2015
308 RheinlandsireneRheinlandsirene 7,010 4,165,564 372 Science & Technology 2009
309 Täglich Technik Täglich Technik 43,200 4,122,967 89 Science & Technology 2022
310 ICE 91 Prinz EugenICE 91 Prinz Eugen 3,660 4,050,869 1,687 Science & Technology 2008
311 UltimartinumUltimartinum 34,500 4,023,287 208 Science & Technology 2016
312 Planet FireworkPlanet Firework 23,400 4,008,176 578 Science & Technology 2012
313 Chris FiggeChris Figge 46,400 3,992,838 28 Science & Technology 2006
314 MilitärmalerMilitärmaler 5,180 3,983,832 39 Science & Technology 2011
315 Quipus Paranormal ScannerQuipus Paranormal Scanner 30,800 3,948,176 343 Science & Technology 2016
316 Weissnichs WeltWeissnichs Welt 20,100 3,947,415 567 Science & Technology 2020
317 Steamshots TVSteamshots TV 109,000 3,907,801 282 Science & Technology 2016
318 FunfairblogFunfairblog 12,200 3,812,641 471 Science & Technology 2015
319 G DATA CyberDefense AGG DATA CyberDefense AG 7,880 3,804,942 183 Science & Technology 2010
320 Kustel KZ - YouTubeKustel KZ - YouTube 3,260 3,756,138 230 Science & Technology 2015
321 Geladen Batteriepodcast Geladen Batteriepodcast 32,100 3,749,714 104 Science & Technology 2021
322 DampflionDampflion 31,900 3,670,930 134 Science & Technology 2015
323 Xella DeutschlandXella Deutschland 3,300 3,659,305 128 Science & Technology 2013
324 UnboxGalaxyUnboxGalaxy 17,400 3,585,843 120 Science & Technology 2016
325 Spektrum der WissenschaftSpektrum der Wissenschaft 19,600 3,555,489 413 Science & Technology 2008
326 Tech like VeraTech like Vera 32,200 3,514,017 298 Science & Technology 2011
327 Make MagazinMake Magazin 40,600 3,483,931 115 Science & Technology 2013
328 Watch Doku - Der Dokumentarfilm KanalWatch Doku - Der Dokumentarfilm Kanal 20,700 3,475,869 52 Science & Technology 2016
329 Robert Koch-InstitutRobert Koch-Institut 20,600 3,431,032 107 Science & Technology 2018
330 CarbonioCarbonio 4,370 3,419,686 742 Science & Technology 2015
331 doku pointdoku point 7,500 3,373,987 78 Science & Technology 2016
332 Goda GoGoda Go 78,300 3,337,206 88 Science & Technology 2022
333 GRAVISGRAVIS 4,480 3,283,307 392 Science & Technology 2010
334 PCB SolderPCB Solder 28,600 3,247,840 113 Science & Technology 2020
335 LeurakLeurak 21,100 3,136,865 26 Science & Technology 2016
336 SägendoktorSägendoktor 45,400 3,128,400 118 Science & Technology 2021
337 Comarch DACHComarch DACH 2,010 3,087,140 188 Science & Technology 2011
338 Apfelfunk | Malte KirchnerApfelfunk | Malte Kirchner 19,300 3,069,004 299 Science & Technology 2017
339 JeijaJeija 17,700 3,050,538 14 Science & Technology 2011
340 Stefan RowsStefan Rows 39,500 3,017,448 110 Science & Technology 2010
341 Hama DeutschlandHama Deutschland 2,670 2,962,824 397 Science & Technology 2010
342 Saint-Gobain Weber DeutschlandSaint-Gobain Weber Deutschland 3,130 2,950,934 206 Science & Technology 2011
343 Geek Week GermanGeek Week German 3,520 2,830,403 226 Science & Technology 2010
344 WLBI und anderesWLBI und anderes 8,180 2,808,841 411 Science & Technology 2014
345 Björns YouTube WeltBjörns YouTube Welt 6,210 2,755,160 660 Science & Technology 2014
346 UNOLsMEDIAUNOLsMEDIA 10,465 2,667,988 203 Science & Technology 2016
347 TschillTschill 17,800 2,658,236 790 Science & Technology 2013
348 Jungnischke, Prepare and Hope!Jungnischke, Prepare and Hope! 16,700 2,647,352 496 Science & Technology 2021
349 Uniklinik RWTH AachenUniklinik RWTH Aachen 10,900 2,587,848 408 Science & Technology 2012
350 Rolf VenzRolf Venz 9,690 2,527,790 322 Science & Technology 2011
351 GELITA AGGELITA AG 4,410 2,498,360 134 Science & Technology 2010
352 WohnzimmerschrauberWohnzimmerschrauber 3,470 2,462,457 231 Science & Technology 2007
353 CTech&MediaCTech&Media 8,950 2,407,407 564 Science & Technology 2011
354 Marc testet...Marc testet... 14,700 2,390,119 134 Science & Technology 2022
355 TechcheckTechcheck 4,940 2,366,863 345 Science & Technology 2012
356 DOKU KANALDOKU KANAL 6,955 2,358,780 230 Science & Technology 2017
357 marumTVmarumTV 2,360 2,305,506 137 Science & Technology 2008
358 KrisFix-GermanyKrisFix-Germany 41,300 2,297,222 63 Science & Technology 2021
359 Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V.Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. 4,080 2,287,128 516 Science & Technology 2015
360 Flybyplane - PlanespottingFlybyplane - Planespotting 6,070 2,265,138 705 Science & Technology 2008
361 VMware DACHVMware DACH 1,470 2,254,547 599 Science & Technology 2013
362 HOMAGHOMAG 13,200 2,183,930 477 Science & Technology 2010
363 TechBenTechBen 16,900 2,183,143 63 Science & Technology 2014
364 5,540 2,177,520 84 Science & Technology 2014
365 6,950 2,161,134 28 Science & Technology 2013
366 MäxelMäxel 14,200 2,156,536 421 Science & Technology 2016
367 Boehringer IngelheimBoehringer Ingelheim 14,300 2,129,269 195 Science & Technology 2008
368 GlorismedGlorismed 6,530 2,075,750 163 Science & Technology 2009
369 myToolStoremyToolStore 1,450 2,075,643 204 Science & Technology 2011
370 Energetic Eternity - Subliminals [Deutsch]Energetic Eternity - Subliminals [Deutsch] 21,479 2,026,007 77 Science & Technology 2016
371 TVYildizTVYildiz 7,380 2,009,382 134 Science & Technology 2012
372 TrendlupeTrendlupe 1,970 1,981,044 528 Science & Technology 2009
373 TecKonstantinTecKonstantin 13,700 1,940,525 68 Science & Technology 2012
374 LOHNUNTERNEHMEN - Zeitschrift der BrancheLOHNUNTERNEHMEN - Zeitschrift der Branche 3,760 1,937,531 110 Science & Technology 2011
375 Green Planet EnergyGreen Planet Energy 1,000 1,930,034 62 Science & Technology 2011
376 Ben's HacksBen's Hacks 16,200 1,907,616 82 Science & Technology 2015
377 NerdOverTechNerdOverTech 13,300 1,906,225 400 Science & Technology 2018
378 vulnerability0labvulnerability0lab 6,270 1,855,652 276 Science & Technology 2011
379 TechTomTechTom 12,600 1,853,720 55 Science & Technology 2014
380 PhilippPhilipp 2,830 1,849,687 185 Science & Technology 2012
381 Dirk OberhausDirk Oberhaus 37,300 1,825,391 78 Science & Technology 2011
382 SCHUNKSCHUNK 8,010 1,759,942 441 Science & Technology 2009
383 TrelleborgSealsTrelleborgSeals 6,460 1,753,505 165 Science & Technology 2009
384 Mario DreßlerMario Dreßler 3,410 1,747,640 194 Science & Technology 2013
385 BastelkellerBastelkeller 5,100 1,728,591 186 Science & Technology 2006
386 Oral-B DeutschlandOral-B Deutschland 6,520 1,660,554 71 Science & Technology 2010
387 AppleStuffTutorialsAppleStuffTutorials 6,850 1,627,415 137 Science & Technology 2012
388 Tony😎Tony😎 58,800 1,617,665 27 Science & Technology 2014
389 STYNGSTYNG 11,500 1,595,937 117 Science & Technology 2009
390 POLiS Helmholtz-Institut UlmPOLiS Helmholtz-Institut Ulm 14,400 1,594,768 88 Science & Technology 2019
391 ThytosThytos 5,450 1,593,616 110 Science & Technology 2007
392 Saturn DeutschlandSaturn Deutschland 24,400 1,587,595 50 Science & Technology 2005
393 epicreviewsepicreviews 8,340 1,572,971 169 Science & Technology 2010
394 WirPackenAusWirPackenAus 12,400 1,572,774 119 Science & Technology 2011
395 GeekWorldGeekWorld 11,100 1,504,270 168 Science & Technology 2012
396 Aviation AwesomeAviation Awesome 6,690 1,487,800 608 Science & Technology 2015
397 TECHBOOKTECHBOOK 2,880 1,451,339 161 Science & Technology 2018
398 AbbVie DeutschlandAbbVie Deutschland 976 1,408,077 51 Science & Technology 2015
399 Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin 9,150 1,393,938 690 Science & Technology 2010
400 Ranga YogeshwarRanga Yogeshwar 50,500 1,391,062 19 Science & Technology 2014
401 Robins ToolsRobins Tools 18,600 1,371,329 20 Science & Technology 2015
402 Bug BaronBug Baron 13,700 1,346,062 52 Science & Technology 2013
403 JonasTechTVJonasTechTV 4,060 1,338,242 197 Science & Technology 2013
404 Pate 1412Pate 1412 3,280 1,330,618 3 Science & Technology 2014
405 P.E. DangelmaierP.E. Dangelmaier 888 1,320,800 257 Science & Technology 2011
406 B BB B 1,100 1,288,871 168 Science & Technology 2013
407 Pepe CocoPepe Coco 1,290 1,245,258 53 Science & Technology 2009
408 Trusted ShopsTrusted Shops 2,020 1,209,305 343 Science & Technology 2013
409 philsiphoneblogphilsiphoneblog 1,770 1,192,320 255 Science & Technology 2013
410 Festo AutomationFesto Automation 12,300 1,186,726 255 Science & Technology 2011
411 Hardware HenrikHardware Henrik 5,400 1,186,485 41 Science & Technology 2014
412 Max Planck Institute for Gravitational PhysicsMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics 4,380 1,157,617 102 Science & Technology 2016
413 xxxAR88xxxxxxAR88xxx 665 1,144,539 433 Science & Technology 2009
414 Hardware InsideHardware Inside 5,840 1,139,184 90 Science & Technology 2015
415 Horror FaktenHorror Fakten 25,600 1,131,542 31 Science & Technology 2015
416 youser23youser23 1,510 1,130,196 93 Science & Technology 2006
417 Lenovo Deutschland, Österreich & SchweizLenovo Deutschland, Österreich & Schweiz 3,360 1,129,697 14 Science & Technology 2010
418 ZEUGZEUG 25,900 1,115,580 57 Science & Technology 2021
419 Museum für Naturkunde BerlinMuseum für Naturkunde Berlin 19,800 1,115,315 417 Science & Technology 2011
420 KlickTippKlickTipp 11,100 1,070,166 448 Science & Technology 2011
421 HaufeHaufe 1,790 1,041,362 797 Science & Technology 2008
422 Гасимо FPV дронами окупантів, відеоГасимо FPV дронами окупантів, відео 1,600 1,006,968 35 Science & Technology 2014
423 marvinmachtsmarvinmachts 11,700 986,707 95 Science & Technology 2014
424 Firmengruppe Max BöglFirmengruppe Max Bögl 2,760 965,865 47 Science & Technology 2015
425 TechreviewerTechreviewer 3,470 954,736 164 Science & Technology 2015
426 Julia TulipanJulia Tulipan 9,330 933,861 425 Science & Technology 2015
427 Gregor “Zappes” OttmannGregor “Zappes” Ottmann 3,620 932,369 140 Science & Technology 2013
428 Dermatologie am OdeonsplatzDermatologie am Odeonsplatz 1,000 931,400 24 Science & Technology 2013
429 ZAKVideoclipsZAKVideoclips 2,670 900,368 640 Science & Technology 2012
430 noblechairsnoblechairs 8,080 888,830 38 Science & Technology 2016
431 Hardware-JournalHardware-Journal 1,490 886,841 129 Science & Technology 2013
432 Colin ZengerColin Zenger 5,170 849,114 293 Science & Technology 2012
433 Freeze Lists DEFreeze Lists DE 3,590 841,217 48 Science & Technology 2017
434 maddintheputzmaddintheputz 1,890 829,156 124 Science & Technology 2009
435 gamerpaddygamerpaddy 2,940 817,925 147 Science & Technology 2008
436 1,330 793,647 84 Science & Technology 2011
437 FlowCADFlowCAD 1,760 762,711 246 Science & Technology 2009
438 ebm-papst Groupebm-papst Group 3,560 745,306 140 Science & Technology 2011
439 LuisTLuisT 4,910 684,149 74 Science & Technology 2011
440 GC-Media®GC-Media® 3,920 675,381 30 Science & Technology 2011
441 Bayer PharmaceuticalsBayer Pharmaceuticals 6,250 670,584 98 Science & Technology 2014
442 Land.Schafft.BayernLand.Schafft.Bayern 8,960 668,081 200 Science & Technology 2012
443 Shuttle EuropeShuttle Europe 593 663,352 66 Science & Technology 2006
444 Stefan1506Stefan1506 692 651,413 102 Science & Technology 2009
445 Frido15Frido15 24,300 635,914 4 Science & Technology 2007
446 HurzMurzHurzMurz 483 631,638 38 Science & Technology 2008
447 flowwaltflowwalt 455 601,891 406 Science & Technology 2008
448 The Meltzone PodcastThe Meltzone Podcast 15,500 579,834 76 Science & Technology 2017
449 Pepe`s KellerwerkstattPepe`s Kellerwerkstatt 3,240 576,670 53 Science & Technology 2015
450 Blickle - we innovate mobilityBlickle - we innovate mobility 1,150 575,100 253 Science & Technology 2012
451 HobbyMaschineHobbyMaschine 5,240 568,394 91 Science & Technology 2015
452 Kiefel TechnologiesKiefel Technologies 3,980 558,288 89 Science & Technology 2010
453 てくてっくてくてっく 4,680 550,100 78 Science & Technology 2017
454 LandtechnikSaarHDLandtechnikSaarHD 2,650 548,305 36 Science & Technology 2013
455 AeroFotografieAeroFotografie 1,410 533,230 22 Science & Technology 2006
456 Die Merds Die Merds 3,640 524,830 170 Science & Technology 2011
457 Ultr@ FXUltr@ FX 4,860 502,556 154 Science & Technology 2006
458 KukiKuki 42,800 453,876 2 Science & Technology 2012
459 EWE-ArmaturenEWE-Armaturen 457 452,325 42 Science & Technology 2014
460 innogy SmartHomeinnogy SmartHome 594 412,669 20 Science & Technology 2010
461 SenckenbergWorldSenckenbergWorld 2,240 412,363 458 Science & Technology 2011
462 Flache ErdeFlache Erde 1,862 405,316 92 Science & Technology 2015
463 HomeconstructorHomeconstructor 575 404,514 16 Science & Technology 2011
464 Patrick MuellerPatrick Mueller 1,770 392,832 29 Science & Technology 2010
465 BAW • Bundesanstalt für WasserbauBAW • Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau 1,390 391,028 81 Science & Technology 2012
466 Geek1elf!Geek1elf! 1,060 376,079 159 Science & Technology 2016
467 PyroFireworks GermanPyroFireworks German 2,010 372,521 376 Science & Technology 2014
468 energiesparaktionenergiesparaktion 302 314,767 54 Science & Technology 2013
469 abas ERPabas ERP 506 295,154 71 Science & Technology 2009
470 SAS Software D-A-CHSAS Software D-A-CH 1,100 290,646 278 Science & Technology 2010
471 Sonnen-Sturm_infoSonnen-Sturm_info 831 268,216 295 Science & Technology 2012
472 weirdmeister inc.weirdmeister inc. 1,690 267,149 52 Science & Technology 2008
473 APPgefilmtAPPgefilmt 1,940 260,968 98 Science & Technology 2014
474 MinoTech R&KMinoTech R&K 496 259,726 50 Science & Technology 2007
475 KTBVertriebKTBVertrieb 207 237,109 10 Science & Technology 2011
476 Kaessmeyer Transporttechnik GmbHKaessmeyer Transporttechnik GmbH 271 232,248 28 Science & Technology 2011
477 Epcot3DEpcot3D 556 225,373 34 Science & Technology 2014
478 Signal HunterSignal Hunter 2,110 222,446 155 Science & Technology 2009
479 Telekom MMSTelekom MMS 969 220,627 469 Science & Technology 2008
480 DroidToolZDroidToolZ 501 198,738 246 Science & Technology 2012
481 Max SiegmayerMax Siegmayer 126 187,064 4 Science & Technology 2009
482 EiDir - Die IdeenfabrikEiDir - Die Ideenfabrik 1,040 180,317 22 Science & Technology 2020
483 FreudenbergGroupFreudenbergGroup 1,540 167,694 137 Science & Technology 2009
484 Amazon Web Services DeutschAmazon Web Services Deutsch 5,630 167,197 192 Science & Technology 2013
485 airliners2007airliners2007 816 163,535 282 Science & Technology 2007
486 Waffen JohnnyWaffen Johnny 9,790 153,624 3 Science & Technology 2019
487 KasimirKasimir 261 152,430 28 Science & Technology 2008
488 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) 808 141,102 83 Science & Technology 2010
489 Jacob SittkusJacob Sittkus 1,470 138,304 24 Science & Technology 2013
490 sc hoopsc hoop 246 134,237 14 Science & Technology 2011
491 innogyinnogy 2,150 133,162 117 Science & Technology 2016
492 AndiAndi 166 116,969 54 Science & Technology 2009
493 MFG Baden-WürttembergMFG Baden-Württemberg 392 114,244 457 Science & Technology 2008
494 Das BaumhausDas Baumhaus 2,240 95,022 57 Science & Technology 2014
495 NebelfeeNebelfee 21,800 85,662 3 Science & Technology 2013
496 Eagle EiEagle Ei 158 85,554 40 Science & Technology 2013
497 Rheinmetall GroupRheinmetall Group 1,010 83,798 39 Science & Technology 2017
498 ኢዚ | Eziኢዚ | Ezi 32,700 59,614 11 Science & Technology 2018
499 Clinical Journal ClubClinical Journal Club 804 59,134 288 Science & Technology 2014
500 Nils LangenbacherNils Langenbacher 14,600 52,431 2 Science & Technology 2012
501 Master Builders SolutionsMaster Builders Solutions 6,330 42,881 60 Science & Technology 2010
502 HeyaHeya 529 37,332 140 Science & Technology 2015
503 the German 3D Printing Nerdthe German 3D Printing Nerd 2,000 37,192 156 Science & Technology 2017
504 eyeoeyeo 477 36,547 123 Science & Technology 2017
505 Boaz Guttman בועז גוטמן Boaz Guttman בועז גוטמן 862 31,266 48 Science & Technology 2009
506 CoolTechCoolTech 1,500 28,103 7 Science & Technology 2017
507 Virtual Care by CardioCubeVirtual Care by CardioCube 0 21,645 11 Science & Technology 2016
508 AndréAndré 1,700 21,183 49 Science & Technology 2013
509 SWITCH TECHSWITCH TECH 190 16,544 5 Science & Technology 2017
510 WingsOfPreyWingsOfPrey 1,310 15,014 20 Science & Technology 2018
511 inge GmbH - BASF´s Ultrafiltration Membrane Businessinge GmbH - BASF´s Ultrafiltration Membrane Business 483 13,883 17 Science & Technology 2016
512 JoergJoerg 2,550 12,885 70 Science & Technology 2014
513 CrowmindCrowmind 335 12,013 7 Science & Technology 2017
514 Bechtle PLM - DEBechtle PLM - DE 3,810 10,732 82 Science & Technology 2011
515 Baecher ComputerBaecher Computer 2,680 7,232 3 Science & Technology 2014
516 AutoflixAutoflix 22,100 6,883 7 Science & Technology 2021
517 Detecon InternationalDetecon International 859 6,626 38 Science & Technology 2009
518 ZipwerkZipwerk 1,810 5,445 3 Science & Technology 2014
519 Dark Boss AyseDark Boss Ayse 3,478 1 Science & Technology 2017
520 ASMR DOGS Hilda & LottiASMR DOGS Hilda & Lotti 50,400 2,976 2 Science & Technology 2019
521 Fabio TancrediFabio Tancredi 2,030 486 2 Science & Technology 2013
522 Blog4IT - J. KroegerBlog4IT - J. Kroeger 1,210 186 2 Science & Technology 2009
523 UNCUT ReviewsUNCUT Reviews 4,860 0 0 Science & Technology 2007
524 Nelson RochaNelson Rocha 955 0 0 Science & Technology 2010
525 MM 30,300 0 0 Science & Technology 2012
526 Tech Universe 2.0Tech Universe 2.0 3,250 0 0 Science & Technology 2010
527 byte.byte. 3,039 0 0 Science & Technology 2015
528 ROSENKRIEGER360ROSENKRIEGER360 11,600 0 0 Science & Technology 2007
529 DampfmacherDampfmacher 28,300 0 0 Science & Technology 2012
530 Plöü HbgfrPlöü Hbgfr 2,160 0 0 Science & Technology 2013
531 Einfach MedizinEinfach Medizin 5,050 0 0 Science & Technology 2020
532 ZDF WISOZDF WISO 59,100 0 0 Science & Technology 2017
533 Let'sTestPCsLet'sTestPCs 1,490 0 0 Science & Technology 2012
534 Der MaladezDer Maladez 0 0 0 Science & Technology 2017
535 SchnelltestSchnelltest 6,270 0 0 Science & Technology 2016

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 HaerteTestHaerteTest 1,507,692 261,615,113 126
2 ScieProSciePro 88,823 58,357,374 14
3 CargospotterCargospotter 87,692 47,151,831 92
4 wissensbertwissensbert 182,333 203,091,618 233
5 JoergSpraveJoergSprave 191,875 36,537,413 78
6 5_sprechwunsch5_sprechwunsch 128,666 145,517,199 118
7 Die MausDie Maus 127,666 131,289,350 211
8 Terra X HistoryTerra X History 143,750 47,725,264 86
9 26Solmates magic26Solmates magic 210,000 43,669,785 28
10 DasIstJayDasIstJay 68,750 82,998,134 169
11 Siemens Knowledge HubSiemens Knowledge Hub 18,444 18,311,679 767
12 GreatScott!GreatScott! 180,000 28,089,219 44
13 VN24VN24 62,333 50,311,292 302
14 DW TürkçeDW Türkçe 61,923 23,120,051 641
15 Terra X Lesch & CoTerra X Lesch & Co 123,333 28,182,742 54
16 Hashem Al-GhailiHashem Al-Ghaili 58,687 14,684,910 32
17 Captain JoeCaptain Joe 168,000 22,666,862 37
18 iKnowReviewiKnowReview 51,363 18,811,700 96
19 Sabine HossenfelderSabine Hossenfelder 86,470 12,011,798 38
20 TuToTVTuToTV 83,333 16,642,061 74
21 SwagTabSwagTab 38,416 16,624,809 180
22 TechnikfaultierTechnikfaultier 32,416 15,441,335 349
23 QuarksQuarks 133,500 30,124,968 168
24 Brickstory - Dein Wissen über Klemmbausteine!Brickstory - Dein Wissen über Klemmbausteine! 34,777 19,712,320 154
25 The HandymanThe Handyman 43,300 17,691,642 384
26 Google DeutschlandGoogle Deutschland 28,117 9,924,936 29
27 JJChemistryJJChemistry 85,250 41,541,752 41
28 PC-WELTPC-WELT 34,944 9,214,592 154
29 Techtastisch - Experimente und 3D DruckTechtastisch - Experimente und 3D Druck 56,900 16,508,103 79
30 Bosch GlobalBosch Global 4,853 12,172,682 72
32 Welt der WunderWelt der Wunder 24,888 8,557,091 44
33 Toolbrothers | Werkzeug-Tests & DIYToolbrothers | Werkzeug-Tests & DIY 17,625 17,601,080 183
34 Militär- und Landtechnik Klaus SchröderMilitär- und Landtechnik Klaus Schröder 18,083 11,477,163 157
35 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 272,000 134,980,745 529
36 Bosch Home Bosch Home 5,092 10,258,130 47
37 Breaking LabBreaking Lab 80,875 16,441,678 99
38 DW IndonesiaDW Indonesia 53,750 10,064,682 215
39 COMPUTER BILDCOMPUTER BILD 13,923 9,236,090 248
40 der8auerder8auer 27,000 6,393,367 56
41 TURN ONTURN ON 27,181 10,188,908 179
42 Huawei Mobile DeutschlandHuawei Mobile Deutschland 4,616 8,950,828 8
43 Urknall, Weltall und das LebenUrknall, Weltall und das Leben 30,900 10,472,134 106
44 Tuhl Teim DETuhl Teim DE 24,800 9,393,102 97
45 LPIndie - Astronomie und WissenschaftLPIndie - Astronomie und Wissenschaft 18,000 9,263,523 491
46 CNC KitchenCNC Kitchen 75,000 11,387,216 26
47 Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer)Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer) 44,181 7,884,045 51
48 26,187 5,196,651 6
49 TechAltarTechAltar 65,909 7,513,251 20
50 HinkowiczHinkowicz 23,200 16,065,777 104
51 WULFIWULFI 19,875 9,967,624 177
52 Manfred WeldingManfred Welding 20,750 9,698,229 103
53 Benjamin JaworskyjBenjamin Jaworskyj 29,066 5,097,055 50
54 macrofyingmacrofying 89,250 18,778,652 9
55 TechVideoTechVideo 4,880 4,980,036 547
56 Rheinmetall – Der integrierte TechnologiekonzernRheinmetall – Der integrierte Technologiekonzern 18,416 6,141,930 25
57 Technik AbiTechnik Abi 42,333 24,079,961 179
58 BASFBASF 4,894 3,996,399 210
59 GOTOOLS TVGOTOOLS TV 25,500 8,898,428 102
60 maturaSigmamaturaSigma 2,281 4,442,963 63
61 Rohde SchwarzRohde Schwarz 4,462 4,410,495 79
62 Zenchillis Hardware ReviewsZenchillis Hardware Reviews 18,692 5,396,191 101
63 MrLuchs ShortsMrLuchs Shorts 21,925 17,219,878 200
64 So Geht DasSo Geht Das 30,333 7,543,963 80
65 Dr. UnboxKingDr. UnboxKing 30,555 7,399,213 145
66 Spiel und ZeugSpiel und Zeug 34,900 6,596,419 53
67 UnimedienUnimedien 17,125 7,738,441 47
68 WAMBOWAMBO 38,333 19,677,330 36
69 NuoVisoNuoViso 18,266 3,887,297 57
70 DHLDHL 5,736 3,054,493 126
71 European Southern Observatory (ESO)European Southern Observatory (ESO) 14,176 3,372,672 71
72 Igor WelderIgor Welder 10,866 3,751,263 75
73 14,923 4,289,252 86
74 Bosch RexrothBosch Rexroth 2,808 4,546,656 189
75 OwnGalaxyOwnGalaxy 15,769 4,114,880 69
76 GIGAGIGA 7,692 3,881,127 240
77 ITRaidDEITRaidDE 20,181 4,553,072 77
78 techloupetechloupe 6,600 3,810,870 128
79 CG ShortsCG Shorts 20,550 24,690,226 243
80 ARD GESUND mit Dr. Julia FischerARD GESUND mit Dr. Julia Fischer 88,500 12,200,831 146
81 Arthur KonzeArthur Konze 8,375 2,889,736 72
82 Cosmas BauerCosmas Bauer 15,857 3,232,316 11
83 Damir FrancDamir Franc 6,812 2,823,200 137
84 Mach dich schlau! - Mystery, Doku & SpaceMach dich schlau! - Mystery, Doku & Space 14,571 6,375,230 163
85 Doktor WhatsonDoktor Whatson 38,888 4,956,154 37
86 Leaps by BayerLeaps by Bayer 894 6,202,570 13
87 Neue HorizonteNeue Horizonte 9,555 2,405,241 65
88 top agrartop agrar 4,750 2,586,393 43
89 SchwabTVSchwabTV 3,457 2,911,066 45
90 All About SamsungAll About Samsung 9,538 3,115,939 47
91 DasMontyDasMonty 9,714 2,892,544 112
92 16,818 3,638,812 57
93 PyroExtremPyroExtrem 11,923 3,040,881 79
94 RatunRatun 28,500 4,940,176 72
95 Nils-Hendrik WelkNils-Hendrik Welk 12,461 3,028,820 120
96 BluebrywowBluebrywow 13,825 9,670,363 478
97 TechStageTechStage 4,606 2,568,835 85
98 Einfach genialEinfach genial 19,750 4,801,142 98
99 Computer:Club2Computer:Club2 15,454 3,463,514 106
100 Festool Deutschland (DE, AT & CH)Festool Deutschland (DE, AT & CH) 2,616 2,026,309 29
101 ValueTechTVValueTechTV 5,738 2,736,089 112
102 Vattenfall DeutschlandVattenfall Deutschland 10,454 3,223,475 45
103 Загадки ВселеннойЗагадки Вселенной 8,250 2,204,203 12
104 M1M Tech ChannelM1M Tech Channel 15,500 4,383,858 66
105 ExoMagazinTVExoMagazinTV 7,529 2,057,305 60
106 Oleksandr ShastunOleksandr Shastun 3,193 2,326,698 198
107 CURVEDCURVED 5,827 3,149,022 96
108 GRIMME LandmaschinenGRIMME Landmaschinen 4,528 2,473,118 18
109 Conrad ElectronicConrad Electronic 3,100 1,795,599 19
110 handymchandymc 994 2,006,517 105
111 Lieber MedizinLieber Medizin 8,837 4,253,573 82
112 Tom's Tech TimeTom's Tech Time 17,250 2,820,761 22
113 Valentin MöllerValentin Möller 7,866 2,224,018 72
114 BlocktrainerBlocktrainer 30,166 5,534,729 209
115 MoschussMoschuss 4,186 2,184,904 229
116 heise & c'theise & c't 7,061 2,492,718 323
117 doc felixdoc felix 43,250 8,043,146 216
118 Bosch DIY and Garden DeutschlandBosch DIY and Garden Deutschland 1,200 2,231,341 56
119 ShipTV - SchiffskanalShipTV - Schiffskanal 2,546 2,064,567 61
120 Rod HerzstromRod Herzstrom 5,555 1,708,226 19
121 Telekom NetzTelekom Netz 9,037 3,735,033 122
122 der8auer ENder8auer EN 69,666 9,770,034 86
123 Tech QuarksTech Quarks 14,020 5,768,867 12
124 HossHoss 102,333 9,309,867 242
125 FRITZ!BoxFRITZ!Box 6,894 1,464,740 24
126 Bahnprojekt Stuttgart–UlmBahnprojekt Stuttgart–Ulm 3,714 1,915,813 38
127 AutobahnAddictionAutobahnAddiction 7,428 1,912,614 55
128 ZerobrainZerobrain 9,788 2,966,582 99
129 TechnikkellerTechnikkeller 9,910 2,640,630 73
130 AmazingNature AlphaAmazingNature Alpha 16,375 3,279,953 114
131 Deutsche TelekomDeutsche Telekom 3,458 1,534,706 25
132 FestoFesto 6,243 1,627,021 35
133 Mr. TechMr. Tech 7,814 3,658,466 69
134 Wolfgang's ChannelWolfgang's Channel 47,333 4,233,449 15
135 Marc Gebauer HighlightsMarc Gebauer Highlights 26,750 6,180,233 168
136 Marco RepsMarco Reps 11,888 1,370,643 11
137 The Friday CheckoutThe Friday Checkout 45,250 6,165,606 55
138 Thomas SchwenkeThomas Schwenke 8,117 1,448,832 4
139 JOCRJOCR 9,294 1,414,862 26
140 wettercomwettercom 2,307 1,707,798 383
141 Speakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur TechnikSpeakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur Technik 3,413 1,554,930 59
142 1,905 1,367,674 101
143 Der RasenfreakDer Rasenfreak 3,662 1,440,541 32
144 Der kleine DreXlerDer kleine DreXler 9,457 3,255,128 62
145 BILDNER TVBILDNER TV 18,833 3,753,983 317
146 Jonas FalkJonas Falk 8,309 2,022,735 84
147 EnBW Energie Baden-WürttembergEnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg 600 1,225,738 15
148 mobile-reviewsmobile-reviews 2,805 1,216,341 60
149 Raumzeit - Vlog der ZukunftRaumzeit - Vlog der Zukunft 13,642 1,538,785 22
150 c't 3003c't 3003 17,222 2,309,992 22
151 Turtle Beach PCTurtle Beach PC 12,400 1,369,621 38
152 PyroExtremGermanyPyroExtremGermany 4,875 1,707,960 229
153 Quarks Dimension RalphQuarks Dimension Ralph 94,000 10,150,035 78
154 MrHelferSyndromMrHelferSyndrom 8,091 1,674,143 30
155 AMAZONEAMAZONE 2,546 1,332,134 34
156 bitlunibitluni 23,090 1,804,346 15
157 HIFIDEHIFIDE 11,460 3,940,525 168
158 SHK InfoSHK Info 9,887 2,396,733 44
159 Mister SiriusMister Sirius 56,333 6,349,702 35
160 KNIPEXKNIPEX 5,220 1,264,722 50
162 MoeKitMoeKit 5,400 2,075,773 76
163 Tobi LangTobi Lang 1,060 1,242,396 202
164 FrontkostenFrontkosten 12,400 9,182,750 78
165 TechnikLoftTechnikLoft 3,378 1,310,819 36
166 AppreviewnewsAppreviewnews 1,666 1,510,314 261
167 The MorpheusThe Morpheus 27,200 3,594,774 95
168 IlkeiamIlkeiam 10,266 5,828,380 44
169 jukemanjukeman 4,460 1,146,537 33
170 klarmobilDEklarmobilDE 156 1,209,233 7
171 TESTSIEGER TVTESTSIEGER TV 3,433 1,868,729 46
172 Gadgets Technik ReviewsGadgets Technik Reviews 4,625 2,077,219 34
173 Stay Scienced by RLScienceStay Scienced by RLScience 2,981 1,036,235 25
174 ChinaMobileMagChinaMobileMag 3,436 1,450,409 166
175 UnboxingPowerUnboxingPower 2,587 1,992,961 129
176 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 14,600 15,900,087 208
177 CyberportCyberport 1,527 875,087 116
178 TouchBennyTouchBenny 4,490 1,416,915 45
179 Modellpilot EUModellpilot EU 3,750 1,947,903 251
180 Ernst WolffErnst Wolff 43,000 3,862,264 87
181 congTECHcongTECH 10,090 1,400,729 14
183 amSeehafenamSeehafen 1,276 1,158,405 831
184 Thomas PlaisantThomas Plaisant 823 862,164 36
185 DAVISIONDAVISION 7,862 1,829,393 101
186 Tor SegelohrenbobTor Segelohrenbob 1,655 808,913 34
187 mobiFlipmobiFlip 3,036 1,323,426 103
188 Özgür BilgeÖzgür Bilge 3,188 803,298 15
189 Der Waldläufer Jagd Bushcraft SurvivalDer Waldläufer Jagd Bushcraft Survival 3,354 1,307,909 53
190 Bastel NerdBastel Nerd 8,900 2,876,763 171
191 Unstoppable GadgetsUnstoppable Gadgets 31,200 14,378,760 288
192 sparmagsparmag 6,966 1,597,608 85
193 TECHSOMETECHSOME 9,171 2,018,241 157
194 Schmiedeglut -Messer leidenschaftlich weiterdenkenSchmiedeglut -Messer leidenschaftlich weiterdenken 7,292 1,085,131 17
195 Entropy - Wissenschaft Schnell ErklärtEntropy - Wissenschaft Schnell Erklärt 18,640 2,797,662 96
196 Norman InvestigativNorman Investigativ 7,222 767,713 2
197 Philipps 3D DruckPhilipps 3D Druck 16,250 2,270,927 48
198 DrCassetteDrCassette 2,368 842,969 46
199 Joe Di Nardo OffiziellJoe Di Nardo Offiziell 5,750 2,237,645 31
200 BitBasteleiBitBastelei 2,827 727,567 49
201 Linux GuidesLinux Guides 5,633 1,444,932 95
202 Nikki FrohtagiNikki Frohtagi 2,775 1,083,242 10
203 SmartphonebloggerSmartphoneblogger 8,800 2,148,215 190
204 Bart FarmBart Farm 9,400 3,142,338 38
205 MEGA-TestberichteMEGA-Testberichte 1,138 694,358 72
206 KondensatorschadenKondensatorschaden 5,727 1,127,613 12
207 6,733 1,373,421 87
208 1,585 1,721,364 42
209 MovieSpottingBerlinMovieSpottingBerlin 1,507 850,271 250
210 NeugierZoneNeugierZone 13,183 1,965,019 50
211 FlakeyFoxFlakeyFox 18,166 3,900,201 47
212 MaxPlanckSocietyMaxPlanckSociety 4,107 831,837 46
213 Acer DACHAcer DACH 452 820,138 39
214 SMARTRONIKSMARTRONIK 9,050 5,681,872 257
215 Raspberry Pi CloudRaspberry Pi Cloud 12,600 2,271,809 123
216 Tiziano TridicoTiziano Tridico 7,130 866,628 83
217 Mike SuminskiMike Suminski 5,254 1,006,152 63
218 TechnikliebeTechnikliebe 6,050 1,837,247 68
219 CoselCosel 4,154 986,592 7
221 igorsLABigorsLAB 7,035 752,744 49
222 958 615,777 41
223 LSCADLSCAD 3,530 1,046,064 22
224 brainfaqkbrainfaqk 11,727 944,026 18
225 Axel KnoetigAxel Knoetig 813 687,441 97
226 bizzybestbizzybest 2,300 1,129,385 90
227 TechniSatTechniSat 525 676,960 39
228 Freunde des StromsFreunde des Stroms 19,750 2,534,738 73
229 Zocker JZocker J 4,537 1,242,042 5
230 Motorgerätehaus KraußMotorgerätehaus Krauß 12,366 3,273,398 45
231 Martin FlindtMartin Flindt 7,311 1,069,821 26
232 nextpitnextpit 1,340 640,061 44
233 Lemmy's Tech-KisteLemmy's Tech-Kiste 1,738 734,501 46
234 TÜV RheinlandTÜV Rheinland 769 732,237 43
235 ASUS DeutschlandASUS Deutschland 945 842,523 18
236 OMROMR 6,355 1,021,661 96
237 achNinaachNina 4,654 820,277 6
238 AreamobileAreamobile 528 562,681 48
239 Hof VogelsangHof Vogelsang 3,675 2,244,966 36
240 ronnieronnie 1,100 521,284 99
241 TechFloydTechFloyd 2,255 490,910 39
242 Gustav RichardGustav Richard 2,484 661,977 11
243 HardwareluxxHardwareluxx 840 570,769 103
244 Frank StonerFrank Stoner 7,188 946,686 27
245 TechPiratTechPirat 2,355 929,339 128
246 Technik SamTechnik Sam 3,333 1,393,286 132
247 justaschmidtjustaschmidt 6,214 1,190,135 77
248 OdinsTestsOdinsTests 1,545 755,207 395
249 NSC ModzNSC Modz 1,881 516,002 31
250 Stefan SchäferStefan Schäfer 5,600 679,530 43
251 Bosch Home Comfort DeutschlandBosch Home Comfort Deutschland 238 582,096 17
252 Blackstage Drohnen TippsBlackstage Drohnen Tipps 8,222 893,424 15
253 GIGA ANDROIDGIGA ANDROID 2,064 573,407 57
254 Franks Werkstatt der LautsprechertechnikFranks Werkstatt der Lautsprechertechnik 10,140 1,588,025 51
255 NVIDIA GeForce DeutschlandNVIDIA GeForce Deutschland 3,900 596,964 46
256 Prof. Dr. Volker QuaschningProf. Dr. Volker Quaschning 5,976 593,683 15
257 Bocholter LandschweinBocholter Landschwein 3,045 686,146 27
258 delamar TECHdelamar TECH 4,433 2,501,237 80
259 Andreas AbbAndreas Abb 5,576 570,673 16
260 Tech mit AlexTech mit Alex 1,500 522,397 14
261 megatwingomegatwingo 286 397,970 141
262 IMAEDIA.DEIMAEDIA.DE 322 500,280 20
263 EasyPandiEasyPandi 4,066 771,875 9
264 luisengineeringluisengineering 13,200 2,304,659 20
265 CLP TutorialsCLP Tutorials 3,000 964,743 59
266 WELT SpaceWELT Space 4,916 1,123,386 41
267 Christopher HelmkeChristopher Helmke 66,700 6,673,182 12
268 utuberlarsutuberlars 1,778 472,900 44
269 HolzwurmTomHolzwurmTom 3,283 551,041 10
270 heisserreifenheisserreifen 353 412,251 40
271 KleinwindkraftKleinwindkraft 7,900 1,304,521 10
272 Deutsch - Kingston TechnologyDeutsch - Kingston Technology 1,641 521,970 24
273 Schneider Electric Deutschland/Österreich/SchweizSchneider Electric Deutschland/Österreich/Schweiz 403 566,038 71
274 ASUS Republic of Gamers DACHASUS Republic of Gamers DACH 15,600 608,636 33
275 TechnikFreundYTTechnikFreundYT 3,554 549,032 19
276 LedlenserLedlenser 784 462,170 19
277 DIY DeutschlandDIY Deutschland 3,950 750,369 38
278 Joo Goo TVJoo Goo TV 6,375 1,494,624 88
279 Tom BötticherTom Bötticher 13,183 993,274 12
280 FUTUREMAG auf Deutsch - ARTEFUTUREMAG auf Deutsch - ARTE 1,700 590,674 55
281 Joe VogelJoe Vogel 2,405 343,712 12
282 Stay Forever PodcastStay Forever Podcast 2,450 486,456 28
283 JoergJoerg 134 319,717 2
284 CasekingCaseking 5,842 407,222 17
285 Tipps, Tests & NewsTipps, Tests & News 299 325,879 81
286 Gấu trúc ĐịnhGấu trúc Định 60,000 364,296 13
287 TvMixMax auf WeltreiseTvMixMax auf Weltreise 1,835 388,891 42
288 7Freitage7Freitage 9,500 2,694,050 35
289 PV&EPV&E 5,100 672,877 24
290 Die AllroundbastlerDie Allroundbastler 2,400 768,483 141
291 GrobMoGrobMo 192 310,320 30
292 Florian Sandmann-ReetzFlorian Sandmann-Reetz 4,325 658,131 46
293 FunkwelleFunkwelle 3,125 657,117 60
294 Mobiwatch NETMobiwatch NET 963 469,246 39
295 Tech BossTech Boss 2,788 566,916 39
296 Ilias BsdIlias Bsd 14,900 4,989,989 176
297 Börger MotorgeräteBörger Motorgeräte 196 329,375 11
298 VolocopterVolocopter 1,530 485,446 8
299 ApfeltalkApfeltalk 2,550 402,865 71
300 Quarks Science CopsQuarks Science Cops 62,400 4,807,021 226
301 VE99 Online VE99 Online 4,320 953,643 64
302 Grillz GermanyGrillz Germany 7,875 1,179,328 30
303 OsLee540iOsLee540i 1,188 259,863 21
304 LetsDenkLetsDenk 4,308 382,433 6
305 DL2YMRDL2YMR 1,850 317,583 27
306 sehertestsehertest 1,111 259,112 14
307 KIT Lehre und WissenKIT Lehre und Wissen 2,533 470,945 214
308 RheinlandsireneRheinlandsirene 467 277,704 24
309 Täglich Technik Täglich Technik 21,600 2,061,483 44
310 ICE 91 Prinz EugenICE 91 Prinz Eugen 228 253,179 105
311 UltimartinumUltimartinum 4,312 502,910 26
312 Planet FireworkPlanet Firework 1,950 334,014 48
313 Chris FiggeChris Figge 2,577 221,824 1
314 MilitärmalerMilitärmaler 398 306,448 3
315 Quipus Paranormal ScannerQuipus Paranormal Scanner 3,850 493,522 42
316 Weissnichs WeltWeissnichs Welt 5,025 986,853 141
317 Steamshots TVSteamshots TV 13,625 488,475 35
318 FunfairblogFunfairblog 1,355 423,626 52
319 G DATA CyberDefense AGG DATA CyberDefense AG 562 271,781 13
320 Kustel KZ - YouTubeKustel KZ - YouTube 362 417,348 25
321 Geladen Batteriepodcast Geladen Batteriepodcast 10,700 1,249,904 34
322 DampflionDampflion 3,544 407,881 14
323 Xella DeutschlandXella Deutschland 300 332,664 11
324 UnboxGalaxyUnboxGalaxy 2,175 448,230 15
325 Spektrum der WissenschaftSpektrum der Wissenschaft 1,225 222,218 25
326 Tech like VeraTech like Vera 2,476 270,309 22
327 Make MagazinMake Magazin 3,690 316,721 10
328 Watch Doku - Der Dokumentarfilm KanalWatch Doku - Der Dokumentarfilm Kanal 2,587 434,483 6
329 Robert Koch-InstitutRobert Koch-Institut 3,433 571,838 17
330 CarbonioCarbonio 485 379,965 82
331 doku pointdoku point 937 421,748 9
332 Goda GoGoda Go 39,150 1,668,603 44
333 GRAVISGRAVIS 320 234,521 28
334 PCB SolderPCB Solder 7,150 811,960 28
335 LeurakLeurak 2,637 392,108 3
336 SägendoktorSägendoktor 15,133 1,042,800 39
337 Comarch DACHComarch DACH 154 237,472 14
338 Apfelfunk | Malte KirchnerApfelfunk | Malte Kirchner 2,757 438,429 42
339 JeijaJeija 1,361 234,656 1
340 Stefan RowsStefan Rows 2,821 215,532 7
341 Hama DeutschlandHama Deutschland 190 211,630 28
342 Saint-Gobain Weber DeutschlandSaint-Gobain Weber Deutschland 240 226,994 15
343 Geek Week GermanGeek Week German 251 202,171 16
344 WLBI und anderesWLBI und anderes 818 280,884 41
345 Björns YouTube WeltBjörns YouTube Welt 621 275,516 66
346 UNOLsMEDIAUNOLsMEDIA 1,308 333,498 25
347 TschillTschill 1,618 241,657 71
348 Jungnischke, Prepare and Hope!Jungnischke, Prepare and Hope! 5,566 882,450 165
349 Uniklinik RWTH AachenUniklinik RWTH Aachen 908 215,654 34
350 Rolf VenzRolf Venz 745 194,445 24
351 GELITA AGGELITA AG 315 178,454 9
352 WohnzimmerschrauberWohnzimmerschrauber 204 144,850 13
353 CTech&MediaCTech&Media 688 185,185 43
354 Marc testet...Marc testet... 7,350 1,195,059 67
355 TechcheckTechcheck 411 197,238 28
356 DOKU KANALDOKU KANAL 993 336,968 32
357 marumTVmarumTV 147 144,094 8
358 KrisFix-GermanyKrisFix-Germany 13,766 765,740 21
359 Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V.Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. 453 254,125 57
360 Flybyplane - PlanespottingFlybyplane - Planespotting 379 141,571 44
361 VMware DACHVMware DACH 133 204,958 54
362 HOMAGHOMAG 942 155,995 34
363 TechBenTechBen 1,690 218,314 6
364 554 217,752 8
365 631 196,466 2
366 MäxelMäxel 1,775 269,567 52
367 Boehringer IngelheimBoehringer Ingelheim 893 133,079 12
368 GlorismedGlorismed 435 138,383 10
369 myToolStoremyToolStore 111 159,664 15
370 Energetic Eternity - Subliminals [Deutsch]Energetic Eternity - Subliminals [Deutsch] 2,684 253,250 9
371 TVYildizTVYildiz 615 167,448 11
372 TrendlupeTrendlupe 131 132,069 35
373 TecKonstantinTecKonstantin 1,141 161,710 5
374 LOHNUNTERNEHMEN - Zeitschrift der BrancheLOHNUNTERNEHMEN - Zeitschrift der Branche 289 149,040 8
375 Green Planet EnergyGreen Planet Energy 76 148,464 4
376 Ben's HacksBen's Hacks 1,800 211,957 9
377 NerdOverTechNerdOverTech 2,216 317,704 66
378 vulnerability0labvulnerability0lab 482 142,742 21
379 TechTomTechTom 1,260 185,372 5
380 PhilippPhilipp 235 154,140 15
381 Dirk OberhausDirk Oberhaus 2,869 140,414 6
382 SCHUNKSCHUNK 534 117,329 29
383 TrelleborgSealsTrelleborgSeals 430 116,900 11
384 Mario DreßlerMario Dreßler 310 158,876 17
385 BastelkellerBastelkeller 283 96,032 10
386 Oral-B DeutschlandOral-B Deutschland 465 118,611 5
387 AppleStuffTutorialsAppleStuffTutorials 570 135,617 11
388 Tony😎Tony😎 5,880 161,766 2
389 STYNGSTYNG 766 106,395 7
390 POLiS Helmholtz-Institut UlmPOLiS Helmholtz-Institut Ulm 2,880 318,953 17
391 ThytosThytos 320 93,742 6
392 Saturn DeutschlandSaturn Deutschland 1,284 83,557 2
393 epicreviewsepicreviews 595 112,355 12
394 WirPackenAusWirPackenAus 953 120,982 9
395 GeekWorldGeekWorld 925 125,355 14
396 Aviation AwesomeAviation Awesome 743 165,311 67
397 TECHBOOKTECHBOOK 480 241,889 26
398 AbbVie DeutschlandAbbVie Deutschland 108 156,453 5
399 Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin 653 99,567 49
400 Ranga YogeshwarRanga Yogeshwar 5,050 139,106 1
401 Robins ToolsRobins Tools 2,066 152,369 2
402 Bug BaronBug Baron 1,245 122,369 4
403 JonasTechTVJonasTechTV 369 121,658 17
404 Pate 1412Pate 1412 328 133,061 0
405 P.E. DangelmaierP.E. Dangelmaier 68 101,600 19
406 B BB B 100 117,170 15
407 Pepe CocoPepe Coco 86 83,017 3
408 Trusted ShopsTrusted Shops 183 109,936 31
409 philsiphoneblogphilsiphoneblog 160 108,392 23
410 Festo AutomationFesto Automation 946 91,286 19
411 Hardware HenrikHardware Henrik 540 118,648 4
412 Max Planck Institute for Gravitational PhysicsMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics 547 144,702 12
413 xxxAR88xxxxxxAR88xxx 44 76,302 28
414 Hardware InsideHardware Inside 648 126,576 10
415 Horror FaktenHorror Fakten 2,844 125,726 3
416 youser23youser23 83 62,788 5
417 Lenovo Deutschland, Österreich & SchweizLenovo Deutschland, Österreich & Schweiz 240 80,692 1
418 ZEUGZEUG 8,633 371,860 19
419 Museum für Naturkunde BerlinMuseum für Naturkunde Berlin 1,523 85,793 32
420 KlickTippKlickTipp 853 82,320 34
421 HaufeHaufe 111 65,085 49
422 Гасимо FPV дронами окупантів, відеоГасимо FPV дронами окупантів, відео 160 100,696 3
423 marvinmachtsmarvinmachts 1,170 98,670 9
424 Firmengruppe Max BöglFirmengruppe Max Bögl 306 107,318 5
425 TechreviewerTechreviewer 385 106,081 18
426 Julia TulipanJulia Tulipan 1,036 103,762 47
427 Gregor “Zappes” OttmannGregor “Zappes” Ottmann 329 84,760 12
428 Dermatologie am OdeonsplatzDermatologie am Odeonsplatz 90 84,672 2
429 ZAKVideoclipsZAKVideoclips 222 75,030 53
430 noblechairsnoblechairs 1,010 111,103 4
431 Hardware-JournalHardware-Journal 135 80,621 11
432 Colin ZengerColin Zenger 430 70,759 24
433 Freeze Lists DEFreeze Lists DE 512 120,173 6
434 maddintheputzmaddintheputz 126 55,277 8
435 gamerpaddygamerpaddy 183 51,120 9
436 102 61,049 6
437 FlowCADFlowCAD 117 50,847 16
438 ebm-papst Groupebm-papst Group 273 57,331 10
439 LuisTLuisT 377 52,626 5
440 GC-Media®GC-Media® 301 51,952 2
441 Bayer PharmaceuticalsBayer Pharmaceuticals 625 67,058 9
442 Land.Schafft.BayernLand.Schafft.Bayern 746 55,673 16
443 Shuttle EuropeShuttle Europe 32 36,852 3
444 Stefan1506Stefan1506 46 43,427 6
445 Frido15Frido15 1,429 37,406 0
446 HurzMurzHurzMurz 30 39,477 2
447 flowwaltflowwalt 28 37,618 25
448 The Meltzone PodcastThe Meltzone Podcast 2,214 82,833 10
449 Pepe`s KellerwerkstattPepe`s Kellerwerkstatt 360 64,074 5
450 Blickle - we innovate mobilityBlickle - we innovate mobility 95 47,925 21
451 HobbyMaschineHobbyMaschine 582 63,154 10
452 Kiefel TechnologiesKiefel Technologies 284 39,877 6
453 てくてっくてくてっく 668 78,585 11
454 LandtechnikSaarHDLandtechnikSaarHD 240 49,845 3
455 AeroFotografieAeroFotografie 78 29,623 1
456 Die Merds Die Merds 280 40,371 13
457 Ultr@ FXUltr@ FX 270 27,919 8
458 KukiKuki 3,566 37,823 0
459 EWE-ArmaturenEWE-Armaturen 45 45,232 4
460 innogy SmartHomeinnogy SmartHome 42 29,476 1
461 SenckenbergWorldSenckenbergWorld 172 31,720 35
462 Flache ErdeFlache Erde 206 45,035 10
463 HomeconstructorHomeconstructor 44 31,116 1
464 Patrick MuellerPatrick Mueller 126 28,059 2
465 BAW • Bundesanstalt für WasserbauBAW • Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau 115 32,585 6
466 Geek1elf!Geek1elf! 132 47,009 19
467 PyroFireworks GermanPyroFireworks German 201 37,252 37
468 energiesparaktionenergiesparaktion 27 28,615 4
469 abas ERPabas ERP 33 19,676 4
470 SAS Software D-A-CHSAS Software D-A-CH 78 20,760 19
471 Sonnen-Sturm_infoSonnen-Sturm_info 69 22,351 24
472 weirdmeister inc.weirdmeister inc. 105 16,696 3
473 APPgefilmtAPPgefilmt 194 26,096 9
474 MinoTech R&KMinoTech R&K 29 15,278 2
475 KTBVertriebKTBVertrieb 15 18,239 0
476 Kaessmeyer Transporttechnik GmbHKaessmeyer Transporttechnik GmbH 20 17,865 2
477 Epcot3DEpcot3D 55 22,537 3
478 Signal HunterSignal Hunter 140 14,829 10
479 Telekom MMSTelekom MMS 60 13,789 29
480 DroidToolZDroidToolZ 41 16,561 20
481 Max SiegmayerMax Siegmayer 8 12,470 0
482 EiDir - Die IdeenfabrikEiDir - Die Ideenfabrik 260 45,079 5
483 FreudenbergGroupFreudenbergGroup 102 11,179 9
484 Amazon Web Services DeutschAmazon Web Services Deutsch 511 15,199 17
485 airliners2007airliners2007 48 9,619 16
486 Waffen JohnnyWaffen Johnny 1,958 30,724 0
487 KasimirKasimir 16 9,526 1
488 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) 57 10,078 5
489 Jacob SittkusJacob Sittkus 133 12,573 2
490 sc hoopsc hoop 18 10,325 1
491 innogyinnogy 268 16,645 14
492 AndiAndi 11 7,797 3
493 MFG Baden-WürttembergMFG Baden-Württemberg 24 7,140 28
494 Das BaumhausDas Baumhaus 224 9,502 5
495 NebelfeeNebelfee 1,981 7,787 0
496 Eagle EiEagle Ei 14 7,777 3
497 Rheinmetall GroupRheinmetall Group 144 11,971 5
498 ኢዚ | Eziኢዚ | Ezi 5,450 9,935 1
499 Clinical Journal ClubClinical Journal Club 80 5,913 28
500 Nils LangenbacherNils Langenbacher 1,216 4,369 0
501 Master Builders SolutionsMaster Builders Solutions 452 3,062 4
502 HeyaHeya 58 4,148 15
503 the German 3D Printing Nerdthe German 3D Printing Nerd 285 5,313 22
504 eyeoeyeo 68 5,221 17
505 Boaz Guttman בועז גוטמן Boaz Guttman בועז גוטמן 57 2,084 3
506 CoolTechCoolTech 214 4,014 1
507 Virtual Care by CardioCubeVirtual Care by CardioCube 0 2,705 1
508 AndréAndré 154 1,925 4
510 WingsOfPreyWingsOfPrey 218 2,502 3
511 inge GmbH - BASF´s Ultrafiltration Membrane Businessinge GmbH - BASF´s Ultrafiltration Membrane Business 60 1,735 2
512 JoergJoerg 255 1,288 7
513 CrowmindCrowmind 47 1,716 1
514 Bechtle PLM - DEBechtle PLM - DE 293 825 6
515 Baecher ComputerBaecher Computer 268 723 0
516 AutoflixAutoflix 7,366 2,294 2
517 Detecon InternationalDetecon International 57 441 2
518 ZipwerkZipwerk 181 544 0
519 Dark Boss AyseDark Boss Ayse 0 496 0
520 ASMR DOGS Hilda & LottiASMR DOGS Hilda & Lotti 10,080 595 0
521 Fabio TancrediFabio Tancredi 184 44 0
522 Blog4IT - J. KroegerBlog4IT - J. Kroeger 80 12 0
523 UNCUT ReviewsUNCUT Reviews 285 0 0
524 Nelson RochaNelson Rocha 68 0 0
525 MM 2,525 0 0
526 Tech Universe 2.0Tech Universe 2.0 232 0 0
527 byte.byte. 337 0 0
529 DampfmacherDampfmacher 2,358 0 0
530 Plöü HbgfrPlöü Hbgfr 196 0 0
531 Einfach MedizinEinfach Medizin 1,262 0 0
532 ZDF WISOZDF WISO 8,442 0 0
533 Let'sTestPCsLet'sTestPCs 124 0 0
534 Der MaladezDer Maladez 0 0 0
535 SchnelltestSchnelltest 783 0 0