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Insider Food Insider Food
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Insider Food net worth

$ 761K - $ 4.57M *

Insider Food income

$ 1.42K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 12.7K
last 30 days
$ 45.3K
last 90 days

As a social media channel, it is difficult to determine the exact networth of Insider Food. However, the channel has several sources of income such as ad revenue, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. The channel has partnered with popular food brands such as McDonald's, KFC, and Taco Bell, amongst others. Additionally, the channel has its line of branded food-related merchandise such as aprons, mugs, and t-shirts.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Insider Food estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 5.56K
March 2024$ 12.9K
February 2024$ 16.1K
January 2024$ 8.27K
December 2023$ 20.6K
November 2023$ 22K
October 2023$ 24K
July 2023$ 15.2K
June 2023$ 20.1K
May 2023$ 15.8K
April 2023$ 20.9K
March 2023$ 22.4K
February 2023$ 20.6K
January 2023$ 19.9K
December 2022$ 29.4K
November 2022$ 23.7K
October 2022$ 28.2K
September 2022$ 18.1K
August 2022$ 29.6K
July 2022$ 24.1K
June 2022$ 17.5K
May 2022$ 13.8K

Insider Food Frequently Asked Questions

What is Insider Food?

Insider Food is a social media channel that showcases delicious and mouth-watering food from around the world. The channel features food reviews, recipes, interviews, and food challenges, and explores different cultures and traditions related to food.

When was Insider Food launched?

Insider Food was launched in 2015.

What type of content does Insider Food feature?

Insider Food features food reviews, recipes, interviews, and food challenges. The channel also explores different cultures and traditions related to food.

Does Insider Food promote unhealthy food choices?

Insider Food has been criticized for intense coverage of fried and cheesy foods, sugar-laden desserts, and calorie-dense fast food meals that promote obesity and unhealthy eating habits. The channel has responded by incorporating more healthy choices and educational content about balanced diets.

What are the sources of income for Insider Food?

Insider Food has several sources of income, such as ad revenue, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. The channel has partnered with popular food brands such as McDonald's, KFC, and Taco Bell, amongst others. Additionally, the channel has its line of branded food-related merchandise such as aprons, mugs, and t-shirts.

What famous quotes are associated with Insider Food?

Some famous quotes associated with Insider Food are 'Life is short, eat the dessert first', 'Food is our common ground, a universal experience', and 'First, we eat. Then, we do everything else'.

What is the website URL for Insider Food?

The website URL for Insider Food is