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Isabelle Magalhães Isabelle Magalhães
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Isabelle Magalhães net worth

$ 3.66K - $ 22K *

Isabelle Magalhães income

$ 8
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 41
last 30 days
$ 155
last 90 days

Isabelle Magalhães has built a successful career as a content creator, which has allowed her to accumulate a considerable net worth. Through collaborations, brand partnerships, and sponsored content, Isabelle has monetized her platform effectively. Her engaging and relatable content has attracted a large and dedicated audience, resulting in substantial views and ad revenue. Additionally, Isabelle may have diversified her income streams by selling merchandise, securing endorsement deals, or exploring other business opportunities. With her growing popularity and entrepreneurial spirit, Isabelle's net worth is expected to continue growing in the future.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Isabelle Magalhães estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 21
March 2024$ 41
February 2024$ 44
January 2024$ 37
December 2023$ 78
November 2023$ 43
October 2023$ 64
July 2023$ 105
June 2023$ 26
May 2023$ 79
April 2023$ 128
March 2023$ 126
February 2023$ 128
January 2023$ 135
December 2022$ 80
November 2022$ 87
October 2022$ 199
September 2022$ 115
August 2022$ 230
July 2022$ 241
June 2022$ 273
May 2022$ 174

Isabelle Magalhães Frequently Asked Questions

When Isabelle Magalhães started youtube?

Isabelle Magalhães has youtube channel since 2012-12-16.

How many subscribers does Isabelle Magalhães have?

Isabelle Magalhães has 147,000 subscribers.

How many video views does Isabelle Magalhães have?

Isabelle Magalhães has 9,773,100 video views.

What is net worth of Isabelle Magalhães?

Net worth of Isabelle Magalhães is approximately $ 11.8K.

How many uploads on youtube Isabelle Magalhães has?

Isabelle Magalhães uploaded 278 videos on youtube.

What is the monthly income of Isabelle Magalhães?

Income of Isabelle Magalhães is $ 41.1.

How much does Isabelle Magalhães make per 1000 views?

Isabelle Magalhães makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.