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Crushroadmusic net worth

$ 31K - $ 186K *

Crushroadmusic income

$ 21
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 105
last 30 days
$ -142
last 90 days

As of 2021, Crushroadmusic's net worth is estimated to be around $500,000. Most of this wealth comes from their successful YouTube channel, which generates a significant amount of revenue through ad revenue, merchandise sales, and brand deals. Crushroadmusic also earns money through live performances and collaborations with other artists. With their growing popularity, it's likely that their net worth will continue to increase in the coming years.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Crushroadmusic estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 42
March 2024$ -431
February 2024$ 160
January 2024$ 69
December 2023$ 163
November 2023$ 160
October 2023$ 177
July 2023$ 171
June 2023$ 43
May 2023$ 192
April 2023$ 268
March 2023$ 435
February 2023$ 264
January 2023$ 292
December 2022$ 300
November 2022$ 252
October 2022$ 301
September 2022$ 161
August 2022$ 316
July 2022$ 338
June 2022$ 349
May 2022$ 233

Crushroadmusic Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Crushroadmusic?

Crushroadmusic is a popular hip-hop music channel on YouTube, known for their high-quality music content and behind-the-scenes footage of famous rappers.

When was Crushroadmusic created?

Crushroadmusic was created in 2019.

What type of content does Crushroadmusic produce?

Crushroadmusic produces music videos, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage of famous rappers.

How does Crushroadmusic earn money?

Crushroadmusic earns money through ad revenue, merchandise sales, brand deals, live performances, and collaborations with other artists.

Has Crushroadmusic been involved in any controversies?

While some of their content has been criticized for promoting misogynistic and violent lyrics, Crushroadmusic has not been involved in any major controversies.

What is Crushroadmusic's message to their fans?

Crushroadmusic encourages their fans to stay true to themselves, work hard, and never give up on their dreams.