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Jorge Masvidal Jorge Masvidal
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Jorge Masvidal net worth

$ 36.3K - $ 218K *

Jorge Masvidal income

$ 32
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 279
last 30 days
$ 837
last 90 days

Jorge Masvidal has accumulated considerable wealth throughout his successful career as a professional fighter. His net worth can be attributed to his various revenue streams, including fight purses, sponsorship deals, endorsements, and other business ventures. While the exact figures are not publicly disclosed, it is safe to say that Masvidal has achieved financial success through his dedication and hard work in the world of mixed martial arts.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Jorge Masvidal estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 108
March 2024$ 598
February 2024$ 53
January 2024$ 41
December 2023$ 80
November 2023$ 76
October 2023$ 51
July 2023$ 87
June 2023$ 43
May 2023$ 1.03K
April 2023$ 1.15K
March 2023$ 314
February 2023$ 297
January 2023$ 86
December 2022$ 169
November 2022$ 880
October 2022$ 3.07K
September 2022$ 115
August 2022$ -15K
July 2022$ -16.9K
June 2022$ -1.03K
May 2022$ 2.96K

Jorge Masvidal Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jorge Masvidal's real name?

Jorge Masvidal is birth name of Jorge Masvidal.

How much does Jorge Masvidal make per 1000 views?

Jorge Masvidal makes approximately $ 1.21 per 1000 views.

How much Jorge Masvidal makes per month?

Income of Jorge Masvidal is $ 280.

Where was Jorge Masvidal born?

Jorge Masvidal was born in Miami, Florida, U.S..

How many video views does Jorge Masvidal have?

Jorge Masvidal has 96,888,342 video views on youtube.

When Jorge Masvidal started youtube?

Jorge Masvidal has youtube channel since 2019-08-16.

How many uploads on youtube Jorge Masvidal has?

Jorge Masvidal uploaded 204 videos on youtube.

How many subs does Jorge Masvidal have?

Jorge Masvidal has 880,000 subs.

What is Jorge Masvidal's net worth?

Net worth of Jorge Masvidal is approximately $ 117K.