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JulianspromosTV | Soca Music Julian Hackett
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Youtuber since
YouTube content creator, music promoter
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JulianspromosTV | Soca Music net worth

$ 594K - $ 3.56M *

JulianspromosTV | Soca Music income

$ 1.03K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 6.84K
last 30 days
$ 29.9K
last 90 days

The net worth of JulianspromosTV is estimated to be around $500,000. The channel generates revenue from its YouTube ad revenue, merchandise sales, and sponsorships. Julian Hackett, the creator of the channel, has also been successful in other business ventures, including real estate and event promotion.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

JulianspromosTV | Soca Music estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 3.15K
March 2024$ 7.19K
February 2024$ 12.9K
January 2024$ 6.28K
December 2023$ 10.3K
November 2023$ 6.95K
October 2023$ 8.67K
July 2023$ 5.91K
June 2023$ 8.1K
May 2023$ 5.58K
April 2023$ 6.26K
March 2023$ 9.47K
February 2023$ 15.7K
January 2023$ 13K
December 2022$ 9.77K
November 2022$ 6.77K
October 2022$ 7.78K
September 2022$ 4.4K
August 2022$ 8.47K
July 2022$ 9.95K
June 2022$ 8.04K
May 2022$ 6.32K

JulianspromosTV | Soca Music Frequently Asked Questions

What is JulianspromosTV?

JulianspromosTV is a YouTube channel and music promotion platform that specializes in soca music.

Who is the creator of JulianspromosTV?

The creator of JulianspromosTV is Julian Hackett.

What kind of music does JulianspromosTV feature?

JulianspromosTV features a wide variety of soca music, including traditional soca, soca-EDM hybrids, and afro-soca.

How does JulianspromosTV make money?

JulianspromosTV generates revenue from its YouTube ad revenue, merchandise sales, and sponsorships.

Has JulianspromosTV faced any controversies?

Yes, JulianspromosTV has faced criticism over its business practices, including claims that it profits from artists without adequately compensating them.

What is JulianspromosTV's mission?

JulianspromosTV is committed to promoting soca music and supporting the artists in the soca community.

Does JulianspromosTV have a website?

Yes, you can visit JulianspromosTV's website at