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Michal Šopor Michal šopor
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Michal Šopor net worth

$ 36.4K - $ 219K *

Michal Šopor income

$ 106
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 836
last 30 days
$ 3.66K
last 90 days

Net worth is a difficult thing to determine, especially for a YouTuber like Michal Šopor who earns money from various sources. He makes money through his YouTube channel, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and other ventures. It’s estimated that his net worth is somewhere around $1 - $5 million, but this is just a rough estimate. Michal has been able to build a successful career for himself by creating fun and engaging content that appeals to his audience. He is always experimenting with new ideas and finding ways to keep his viewers entertained.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Michal Šopor estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 338
March 2024$ 1.14K
February 2024$ 1.31K
January 2024$ 771
December 2023$ 301
November 2023$ 780
October 2023$ 1.06K
July 2023$ 719
June 2023$ 1.15K
May 2023$ 2.06K
April 2023$ 1.35K
March 2023$ 893
February 2023$ 544
January 2023$ 722
December 2022$ 790
November 2022$ 643
October 2022$ 718
September 2022$ 322
August 2022$ 628
July 2022$ 579
June 2022$ 232
May 2022$ 306

Michal Šopor Frequently Asked Questions

What is Michal Šopor's YouTube channel about?

Michal Šopor's YouTube channel is a mix of different types of content including vlogs, challenges, pranks, and other fun and creative videos.

What controversies has Michal Šopor faced?

Michal has faced several controversies, including being accused of promoting gambling to young viewers and making inappropriate comments during a livestream.

What type of content does Michal Šopor create?

Michal creates a variety of content, including vlogs, challenges, pranks, and other fun and creative videos.

What sets Michal Šopor apart from other YouTubers?

Michal has a very engaging personality which has helped him to grow his following over the years. His content is fun and easy to watch, making him one of the most popular YouTubers in the Czech Republic.

How long has Michal Šopor been making videos?

Michal started his YouTube journey in 2012 and has since amassed a huge following.

Where is Michal Šopor from?

Michal Šopor is from the Czech Republic.

What is Michal Šopor's approach to life?

Michal believes in dreaming big, working hard, and staying focused. He encourages his viewers to believe in themselves and to stay positive in the face of challenges.

What is Michal Šopor's advice to aspiring YouTubers?

Michal advises aspiring YouTubers to do what they love, stay focused, and work hard. He believes that success comes from a combination of hard work, creativity, and dedication.

Where can I find Michal Šopor's merch?

You can find Michal Šopor's merch on his website.