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Mini Ladd Craig Thompson
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Youtuber since
YouTube Gamer, Content Creator, Streamer
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Mini Ladd net worth

$ 548K - $ 3.29M *

Mini Ladd income

$ 73
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 284
last 30 days
$ 834
last 90 days

As of 2021, Mini Ladd's net worth is estimated to be around $3 million. He earns money through YouTube ad revenue, brand deals, merchandise sales, and donations from his fans. He also has a successful Patreon account with over 4,000 supporters who pledge a monthly fee to access exclusive content and perks.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Mini Ladd estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 83
March 2024$ 268
February 2024$ 281
January 2024$ 188
December 2023$ 232
November 2023$ 219
October 2023$ 375
July 2023$ 435
June 2023$ 386
May 2023$ 384
April 2023$ 628
March 2023$ 506
February 2023$ 571
January 2023$ -509
December 2022$ 429
November 2022$ 405
October 2022$ 563
September 2022$ 323
August 2022$ 672
July 2022$ 898
June 2022$ 786
May 2022$ 386
April 2022$ 201

Mini Ladd Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mini Ladd's real name?

Mini Ladd's real name is Craig Thompson.

What games does Mini Ladd play?

Mini Ladd plays a variety of games, but is best known for his videos on Garry's Mod and Among Us.

What happened to Mini Ladd in 2020?

In 2020, Mini Ladd was accused of sexual misconduct and grooming by several underage fans, which led to a decline in his popularity and support from fans.

How does Mini Ladd make money?

Mini Ladd earns money through YouTube ad revenue, brand deals, merchandise sales, and donations from his fans.

Does Mini Ladd have a Twitch channel?

Yes, Mini Ladd is a successful Twitch streamer and has a Twitch channel with over 1 million followers.

Does Mini Ladd have a Patreon account?

Yes, Mini Ladd has a successful Patreon account with over 4,000 supporters who pledge a monthly fee to access exclusive content and perks.