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Naiara Azevedo Naiara Azevedo
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Naiara Azevedo net worth

$ 1.18M - $ 7.08M *

Naiara Azevedo income

$ 0
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 38.2K
last 30 days
$ 76K
last 90 days

Naiara Azevedo's net worth is estimated to be in the millions. As a successful singer in the Brazilian music industry, she has earned a substantial income through her music sales, concerts, and brand endorsements. Her popularity has allowed her to secure various endorsement deals with major brands, further contributing to her net worth. Naiara has also invested in real estate and other ventures, expanding her financial portfolio. With her continued success and growing fanbase, Naiara Azevedo's net worth is expected to increase in the coming years.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Naiara Azevedo estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
March 2024$ 38.2K
January 2024$ 37.8K
October 2023$ 37K
July 2023$ 37.2K
June 2023$ 40K
May 2023$ 52.1K
April 2023$ 51.5K
March 2023$ 46.4K
February 2023$ 51.3K
January 2023$ 26.5K
December 2022$ 18.5K
November 2022$ 9.9K
October 2022$ 10.9K
September 2022$ 7.1K
August 2022$ 23.6K
July 2022$ 26.7K
June 2022$ 22.5K
May 2022$ 16.1K

Naiara Azevedo Frequently Asked Questions

When did Naiara Azevedo start her singing career?

Naiara Azevedo started her singing career at a young age, performing at local events and gaining recognition from music producers.

What are Naiara Azevedo's most popular songs?

Some of Naiara Azevedo's most popular songs include '50 Reais,' 'Ex do seu atual,' 'Mentalmente,' 'Rapariga Digital,' and 'Avisa Que Eu Cheguei,' among others.

Has Naiara Azevedo won any awards for her music?

Yes, Naiara Azevedo has won several awards for her music, including the Multishow Brazilian Music Award for Best Female Artist.

Does Naiara Azevedo have any upcoming concerts or tours?

For information on Naiara Azevedo's upcoming concerts and tours, please visit her official website or social media channels.