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OggyOggy TV Oggy Oggy Tv
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OggyOggy TV net worth

$ 57.5K - $ 345K *

OggyOggy TV income

$ 114
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 612
last 30 days
$ 1.8K
last 90 days

While there is no official figure available for OggyOggy TV's net worth, it is estimated to be around $500,000. The majority of his income comes from his YouTube channel, where he earns money through advertising revenue. He also earns additional income through sponsorships, merchandise sales, and brand deals. As his popularity continues to grow, OggyOggy TV's net worth is expected to increase in the future.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

OggyOggy TV estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 321
March 2024$ 706
February 2024$ 534
January 2024$ 15
December 2023$ 25
November 2023$ 16
October 2023$ 15
July 2023$ 14
June 2023$ 9
May 2023$ 16
April 2023$ 24
March 2023$ 32
February 2023$ 45
January 2023$ 43
December 2022$ 58
November 2022$ 48
October 2022$ 53
September 2022$ 31
August 2022$ 40
July 2022$ 38
June 2022$ 37
May 2022$ 31

OggyOggy TV Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired OggyOggy TV to start a YouTube channel?

OggyOggy TV was inspired to start a YouTube channel after watching other YouTubers and realizing that he wanted to create his own content and entertain people.

How does OggyOggy TV come up with ideas for his videos?

OggyOggy TV gets inspiration for his videos from his daily life, his viewers, and fellow YouTubers. He also tries to create content that is fresh and unique.

Does OggyOggy TV have any other social media accounts?

Yes, OggyOggy TV has accounts on Instagram and Twitter. His handle is '@oggy' on both platforms.

What is OggyOggy TV's favorite hobby?

OggyOggy TV enjoys playing football and spending time with his family and friends.

How often does OggyOggy TV post new videos on his YouTube channel?

OggyOggy TV posts new videos on his YouTube channel every week.

Where is OggyOggy TV from?

OggyOggy TV is from South Korea.

Does OggyOggy TV have any pets?

Yes, OggyOggy TV has a dog named Bobo who often appears in his videos.

What camera and editing software does OggyOggy TV use?

OggyOggy TV uses a Canon 80D camera to film his videos and Adobe Premiere Pro to edit them.