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ROCHELLE Rochelle Hager
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Social Media Influencer
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ROCHELLE net worth

$ 12.7K - $ 76.1K *


$ 33
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 117
last 30 days
$ 460
last 90 days

Rochelle's net worth is estimated to be around $1 million. She primarily earns her income from her YouTube channel and social media accounts, where she promotes brands and products to her followers. Rochelle has also launched her own merchandise line, which has been a huge hit among her followers. She is one of the most successful YouTubers and social media influencers in the industry, and her net worth is only expected to grow in the coming years.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

ROCHELLE estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 19
March 2024$ 138
February 2024$ 132
January 2024$ 113
December 2023$ 182
November 2023$ 190
October 2023$ 241
July 2023$ 301
June 2023$ 13
May 2023$ 3
April 2023$ 13
March 2023$ 13
February 2023$ 17
January 2023$ 27
December 2022$ 41
November 2022$ 82
October 2022$ 55
September 2022$ 57
August 2022$ 32
July 2022$ 113
June 2022$ 62
May 2022$ 62
April 2022$ 4

ROCHELLE Frequently Asked Questions

When did Rochelle start her YouTube channel?

Rochelle started her YouTube channel in 2018.

What kind of content does Rochelle create?

Rochelle's content mainly revolves around comedy sketches, prank videos, and vlogs.

Has Rochelle been involved in any controversies?

Rochelle has not been involved in any major controversies so far.

What is Rochelle's advice to her followers?

Rochelle's advice to her followers is to be themselves, spread love and positivity, and never give up on their dreams.

What are Rochelle's social media handles?

Rochelle is active on Instagram and TikTok under the handle @roeurboat.

Does Rochelle have any merchandise?

Yes, Rochelle has launched her own merchandise line which is available on her website.

Has Rochelle collaborated with any other YouTubers?

Yes, Rochelle has collaborated with several popular YouTubers including Casey Neistat.