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МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU милосердие.Ru
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$ 10.3K - $ 62K *


$ 6
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 63
last 30 days
$ 229
last 90 days

Information about the net worth of МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU is not publicly available. The channel operates as a non-profit organization, focusing on its mission of promoting compassion and kindness rather than financial gain. The primary goal of МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU is to touch hearts, inspire empathy, and foster a more caring world.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 41
March 2024$ 64
February 2024$ 76
January 2024$ 57
December 2023$ 113
November 2023$ 66
October 2023$ 75
July 2023$ 86
June 2023$ 29
May 2023$ 73
April 2023$ 92
March 2023$ 93
February 2023$ 87
January 2023$ 224
December 2022$ 135
November 2022$ 87
October 2022$ 104
September 2022$ 50
August 2022$ 88
July 2022$ 100
June 2022$ 84
May 2022$ 59

МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission of МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU?

The mission of МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU is to promote compassion and kindness in the world. It aims to inspire individuals to cultivate a nurturing and caring attitude towards others.

Is МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU a for-profit channel?

No, МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU operates as a non-profit organization, focusing on its mission of spreading love and compassion.

How can I contribute to МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU?

You can contribute to МИЛОСЕРДИЕ.RU by sharing stories of kindness, participating in volunteer activities, and spreading the message of compassion in your community.