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Shirley Curry Shirley Curry
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Shirley Curry net worth

$ 11K - $ 65.7K *

Shirley Curry income

$ 9
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 71
last 30 days
$ 311
last 90 days

There is no public information available about Shirley Curry's net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Shirley Curry estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 18
March 2024$ 90
February 2024$ 123
January 2024$ 76
December 2023$ 110
November 2023$ 131
October 2023$ 401
July 2023$ 263
June 2023$ 159
May 2023$ 86
April 2023$ 383
March 2023$ 456
February 2023$ 361
January 2023$ 1.16K
December 2022$ 546
November 2022$ 387
October 2022$ 741
September 2022$ 513
August 2022$ 70
July 2022$ 150
June 2022$ 298
May 2022$ 111
April 2022$ 17

Shirley Curry Frequently Asked Questions

Did Shirley play video games before creating her channel?

Yes, she has been playing video games for over 25 years.

What type of video games did Shirley play before Skyrim?

Shirley played a variety of games, including The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

How did Shirley become a YouTuber?

Shirley's son helped her create her YouTube channel in 2015, and she began uploading videos of her playing Skyrim.

What does Shirley do besides make videos?

Shirley is retired and enjoys spending time with her family and playing video games.

What advice does Shirley have for new YouTubers?

Shirley advises new YouTubers to be authentic and to stay true to themselves. She also emphasizes the importance of interacting with one's audience.

Does Shirley have any merchandise for sale?

Yes, Shirley has a variety of merchandise available for purchase on her website, including t-shirts, mugs, and stickers.

What is Shirley's favorite video game?

Shirley's favorite video game is Skyrim.

How old is Shirley?

Shirley was born on April 6, 1936, which makes her 85 years old as of 2021.