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SlivkiShow Slivki Show
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SlivkiShow net worth

$ 1.86M - $ 11.1M *

SlivkiShow income

$ 6.94K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 22.3K
last 30 days
$ 73.6K
last 90 days

As one of the most popular DIY channels on YouTube, SlivkiShow has achieved considerable success and has undoubtedly accumulated a significant net worth. While there is no official statement regarding Slava's exact net worth, it is evident that the channel has garnered a substantial income through various revenue streams. YouTube advertisements, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and brand collaborations are some of the primary sources of income for content creators on the platform. With millions of subscribers and billions of views, SlivkiShow has undoubtedly capitalized on these opportunities. Moreover, Slava's entrepreneurial spirit is evident through his collection of merchandise, which includes branded merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, and accessories. These products contribute to the overall net worth of the channel. Considering SlivkiShow's immense popularity and the revenue generated from various sources, it is safe to assume that the channel has a significant net worth.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

SlivkiShow estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 10K
March 2024$ 21.3K
February 2024$ 23.7K
January 2024$ 23.8K
December 2023$ 45.4K
November 2023$ 30K
October 2023$ 23.3K
July 2023$ 15.9K
June 2023$ 33.4K
May 2023$ 26.5K
April 2023$ 27.5K
March 2023$ 33.2K
February 2023$ 33.2K
January 2023$ 31.7K
December 2022$ 37.7K
November 2022$ 21.7K
October 2022$ 43.5K
September 2022$ 19.9K
August 2022$ 58.8K
July 2022$ 15.6K
June 2022$ 32.4K
May 2022$ 32.1K

SlivkiShow Frequently Asked Questions

When was SlivkiShow created?

SlivkiShow was created on August 27, 2014.

Where is SlivkiShow from?

SlivkiShow is from Russia.

What type of content does SlivkiShow create?

SlivkiShow creates DIY projects, travel vlogs, challenges, and funny skits.

What is SlivkiShow's most popular video?

SlivkiShow's most popular video is titled 'DIY Fidget Spinner Melts in Your Hand'.

Does SlivkiShow have merchandise?

Yes, SlivkiShow has a collection of branded merchandise available for purchase.

Has SlivkiShow been involved in any controversies?

SlivkiShow has been involved in minimal controversies and maintains a positive reputation.

What is SlivkiShow's approach to safety in DIY videos?

SlivkiShow prioritizes safety and always emphasizes the importance of following proper precautions in DIY projects.