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The Jimmy Dore Show James Patrick Anthony Dore
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Youtuber since
Comedian, Political commentator, Talk show host
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The Jimmy Dore Show net worth

$ 326K - $ 1.96M *

The Jimmy Dore Show income

$ 2.38K
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 21.6K
last 30 days
$ 58.9K
last 90 days

As of 2021, Jimmy Dore's net worth is estimated to be around $2 million. Much of Dore's income comes from his work as a comedian, as well as from his YouTube channel and podcast. Dore has also published a book titled 'Your Country is Just Not That Into You: How the Media, Wall Street, and Both Political Parties Keep on Screwing You - Even After You've Moved On'. The book, which was released in 2014, provides a critique of both the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as the corporate media.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

The Jimmy Dore Show estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 7.91K
March 2024$ 19.7K
February 2024$ 19.1K
January 2024$ 10.6K
December 2023$ 21.2K
November 2023$ 14.1K
October 2023$ 14.8K
July 2023$ 10.8K
June 2023$ 17K
May 2023$ 11.6K
April 2023$ 17.2K
March 2023$ 21.3K
February 2023$ 16K
January 2023$ 13.9K
December 2022$ 16.6K
November 2022$ 16.4K
October 2022$ 17K
September 2022$ 7.97K
August 2022$ 13.5K
July 2022$ 14K
June 2022$ 13.8K
May 2022$ 9.86K
April 2022$ 1.55K

The Jimmy Dore Show Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Jimmy Dore Show?

The Jimmy Dore Show is a political comedy talk show hosted by comedian Jimmy Dore.

What topics does The Jimmy Dore Show cover?

The Jimmy Dore Show covers news and current events from a progressive perspective, often highlighting issues that are overlooked or misrepresented in mainstream media.

Has The Jimmy Dore Show been involved in controversy?

Yes, The Jimmy Dore Show has been the subject of controversy in the past, particularly regarding Dore's coverage of the Syrian Civil War and his associations with figures on the far-right.

What is Jimmy Dore's book about?

Jimmy Dore's book, 'Your Country is Just Not That Into You', provides a critique of both the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as the corporate media.

What is Jimmy Dore's political ideology?

Jimmy Dore is a progressive who is critical of both the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as corporate media.

Where can I find The Jimmy Dore Show?

The Jimmy Dore Show can be found on YouTube and various podcast platforms.

Does Jimmy Dore have any stand-up comedy specials?

Yes, Jimmy Dore has released multiple stand-up comedy specials, including 'Sentenced to Live' and 'Socialist Party Monster'.