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Top Youtube Entertainment channels

rankYoutubersubscribersvideo viewsvideo countcategorystarted
1 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 63,900,000 75,599,691,217 1,337 Entertainment 2016
2 MrBeastMrBeast 319,000,000 60,227,824,389 820 Entertainment 2012
3 Ryan's WorldRyan's World 37,900,000 58,646,834,528 3,017 Entertainment 2015
4 D BillionsD Billions 31,700,000 41,042,888,440 1,256 Entertainment 2019
5 Alfredo LarinAlfredo Larin 43,600,000 36,297,553,155 1,873 Entertainment 2017
6 MaviGadgetMaviGadget 35,700,000 31,529,917,492 5,414 Entertainment 2017
7 Dylan AndersonDylan Anderson 13,800,000 29,640,687,978 2,569 Entertainment 2010
8 YoeslanYoeslan 31,600,000 28,649,731,365 1,136 Entertainment 2020
9 PANDA BOIPANDA BOI 55,600,000 24,950,749,751 1,119 Entertainment 2020
10 Justin FlomJustin Flom 26,500,000 24,775,818,430 982 Entertainment 2006
11 Sesame StreetSesame Street 24,200,000 24,535,363,914 3,776 Entertainment 2006
12 TheEllenShowTheEllenShow 38,300,000 23,335,427,181 17,298 Entertainment 2006
13 DONA 도나DONA 도나 33,100,000 22,599,715,664 175 Entertainment 2018
14 Younes ZarouYounes Zarou 25,600,000 21,927,007,786 3,624 Entertainment 2021
15 Like Nastya ShowLike Nastya Show 43,900,000 20,946,051,758 748 Entertainment 2017

Top Youtube channels - detail stats

rankYoutubersubscribers/yearVideo views/YearVideo count/Year
1 Toys and ColorsToys and Colors 7,987,500 9,449,961,402 167
2 MrBeastMrBeast 26,583,333 5,018,985,365 68
3 Ryan's WorldRyan's World 4,211,111 6,516,314,947 335
4 D BillionsD Billions 6,340,000 8,208,577,688 251
5 Alfredo LarinAlfredo Larin 6,228,571 5,185,364,736 267
6 MaviGadgetMaviGadget 5,100,000 4,504,273,927 773
7 Dylan AndersonDylan Anderson 985,714 2,117,191,998 183
8 YoeslanYoeslan 7,900,000 7,162,432,841 284
9 PANDA BOIPANDA BOI 13,900,000 6,237,687,437 279
10 Justin FlomJustin Flom 1,472,222 1,376,434,357 54
11 Sesame StreetSesame Street 1,344,444 1,363,075,773 209
12 TheEllenShowTheEllenShow 2,127,777 1,296,412,621 961
13 DONA 도나DONA 도나 5,516,666 3,766,619,277 29
14 Younes ZarouYounes Zarou 8,533,333 7,309,002,595 1,208
15 Like Nastya ShowLike Nastya Show 6,271,428 2,992,293,108 106