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Urchfab Urchfab
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Urchfab net worth

$ 11.7K - $ 70.2K *

Urchfab income

$ 39
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 152
last 30 days
$ 606
last 90 days

As of now, there is no public information available about the net worth of Urchfab. The channel primarily focuses on creating content related to DIY projects, craftsmanship, and sharing knowledge with the audience. While the channel has gained a sizable following and has potential revenue streams through advertising and sponsorships, it is challenging to estimate the exact net worth without additional information. The success and growth of Urchfab may lead to opportunities for monetization, such as merchandise sales or collaborations with brands. However, it is essential to note that financial details and net worth are often private matters and may not be publicly disclosed. Urchfab's primary focus remains on creating valuable content for their viewers and fostering a supportive community.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Urchfab estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 76
March 2024$ 203
February 2024$ 197
January 2024$ 144
December 2023$ 222
November 2023$ 189
October 2023$ 228
July 2023$ 217
June 2023$ 165
May 2023$ 202
April 2023$ 304
March 2023$ 230
February 2023$ 240
January 2023$ 614
December 2022$ 248
November 2022$ 378
October 2022$ 359
September 2022$ 288
August 2022$ 444
July 2022$ 546
June 2022$ 640
May 2022$ 736

Urchfab Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired Urchfab to start the channel?

Urchfab was inspired to start the channel by a lifelong passion for craftsmanship and the desire to share knowledge with others. The host's love for DIY projects and the joy of creating led to the creation of the YouTube channel.

How often does Urchfab upload new videos?

Urchfab uploads new videos on a regular basis, typically once or twice a week. The channel strives to maintain consistency and provide fresh content for viewers.

Can I request a specific project for Urchfab to cover?

While Urchfab may not be able to fulfill all project requests, the channel appreciates suggestions and feedback from the audience. Viewers are encouraged to leave project ideas in the comments section of the videos.

Does Urchfab offer any workshops or online courses?

As of now, Urchfab does not offer workshops or online courses. However, the channel provides detailed video tutorials for various projects, allowing viewers to learn and recreate the projects at their own pace.

How can I support Urchfab?

Viewers can support Urchfab by subscribing to the channel, liking and sharing the videos, and engaging with the content. Additionally, considering purchasing any merchandise or products promoted by the channel can further support their work.

Does Urchfab collaborate with other creators or brands?

Urchfab occasionally collaborates with other creators or brands that align with their content and values. These collaborations allow for unique projects and provide additional expertise or resources.

Can I send fan mail or project photos to Urchfab?

Yes, Urchfab appreciates fan mail and project photos from the audience. Viewers can reach out through the provided contact information on the channel.

How can I stay updated with Urchfab's latest content?

To stay updated with Urchfab's latest content, viewers can subscribe to the YouTube channel and enable notifications. Additionally, following Urchfab on social media platforms can provide further updates and behind-the-scenes insights.