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Vegan Gains Richard Burgess
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Youtuber since
YouTuber, Vegan Activist
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Vegan Gains net worth

$ 13.2K - $ 79.2K *

Vegan Gains income

$ 59
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 164
last 30 days
$ 502
last 90 days

Vegan Gains' net worth is estimated to be around $500,000. He earns money primarily through ad revenue from his YouTube channel, as well as through sponsorship deals and merchandise sales. He has also written a book on veganism entitled 'Vegan Diet: Easily Get a Lean Body & All Day Energy + 5 Day Meal Plan for Faster Weight Loss Results' which is available for purchase on Amazon.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Vegan Gains estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 83
March 2024$ 139
February 2024$ 181
January 2024$ 72
December 2023$ 158
November 2023$ 173
October 2023$ 1.03K
July 2023$ 128
June 2023$ 978
May 2023$ 438
April 2023$ 414
March 2023$ 1.22K
February 2023$ 252
January 2023$ 167
December 2022$ 277
November 2022$ 4.89K
October 2022$ 128
September 2022$ 56
August 2022$ 99
July 2022$ 94
June 2022$ 175
May 2022$ 101
April 2022$ 9

Vegan Gains Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Vegan Gains become vegan?

Vegan Gains became vegan after researching the health benefits of a plant-based diet. He also became concerned about the ethical treatment of animals and the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.

Is Vegan Gains healthy?

Vegan Gains has faced criticism over his own health and fitness, with some people questioning whether a vegan diet is sufficient for building muscle and staying healthy. However, he maintains that he is in excellent health and that a vegan diet is the best choice for both ethical and health reasons.

What does Vegan Gains eat?

As a vegan, Vegan Gains eats only plant-based foods. He advocates for a diet that is high in protein and low in processed foods.

Does Vegan Gains have any pets?

Yes, Vegan Gains has a pet rabbit named Charlie who often appears in his videos.

What other YouTubers has Vegan Gains feuded with?

Vegan Gains has been involved in public feuds with several other YouTubers who promote non-vegan diets, including Freelee the Banana Girl, The Fitness YouTuber, and Rich Piana.

What is Vegan Gains' book about?

Vegan Gains' book is a guide to veganism and includes a 5-day meal plan for those who are interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet.

Does Vegan Gains offer coaching services?

Yes, Vegan Gains offers coaching services to help others transition to a vegan lifestyle and achieve their fitness goals.

What is Vegan Gains' stance on supplements?

Vegan Gains believes that supplements can be a useful addition to a vegan diet, particularly for those who are looking to build muscle. However, he also emphasizes the importance of getting nutrients from whole foods whenever possible.