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VenturianTale Jordan Frye
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VenturianTale net worth

$ 840K - $ 5.04M *

VenturianTale income

$ 96
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 336
last 30 days
$ 1.05K
last 90 days

As of 2021, the net worth of VenturianTale is estimated to be around $2 million. This comes from revenue generated from advertisements on YouTube, brand deals, merchandise sales, and donations from fans.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

VenturianTale estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 113
March 2024$ 352
February 2024$ 357
January 2024$ 196
December 2023$ 382
November 2023$ 375
October 2023$ 391
July 2023$ 377
June 2023$ 237
May 2023$ 271
April 2023$ 414
March 2023$ 471
February 2023$ 484
January 2023$ 504
December 2022$ 553
November 2022$ 481
October 2022$ 511
September 2022$ 271
August 2022$ 541
July 2022$ 616
June 2022$ 526
May 2022$ 347
April 2022$ 77

VenturianTale Frequently Asked Questions

When was VenturianTale created?

VenturianTale was created in 2010.

Who are the members of VenturianTale?

Jordan, Isaac, Bethany, and Cierra are the members of VenturianTale, also known as HomelessGoomba, BethanyFrye, and ImmortalKyodai.

What type of games do they play on VenturianTale?

They play a variety of video games, but mainly focus on Minecraft, Garry's Mod, and Roblox.

Where can I buy VenturianTale merchandise?

You can buy VenturianTale merchandise on their official website.

Does VenturianTale have any social media accounts?

Yes, VenturianTale has accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

What is the age of Jordan Frye?

As of 2021, Jordan Frye is 27 years old.